SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 228. 1920. 819 BUREAU or oBnNA1~:cE. B'"°““°'°'d“"‘°°°· ORDNANUE AND ORDNANCE STORESZ For Iprocming, producing, pre- ¤a(zii»i=iIiim.°°d m` serving, and handling ordnance material; or the armament of ships, for fuel, material, an labor to be used in the eneral work of the Ordnance Department; for furniture at navgl ammunition depots, torpedo stations, naval ordnance plants, and proving grounds; for maintenance of proving grounds, powder factory, to edo stations, gun factory, ammunition depots, and naval ordnance giants, and for target practice; for the maintenance, repair, or operation of horse- Vehmes drawn and motor-propelled freight and passenger-carrying vehicles, ` to be used only for official p oses at naval ammimition depots, naval proving groimds, naval oligance plants, and naval torpedo stations, and for the pay of chemists, clerical, drafting, inspection, and messenger serviceinnavy ards, naval stations, nava ordnance plants Pmim and naval ammunition ciepots: Provided, Quarterly reports on all Report bn s¤s<>1i¤¤ gasoline (passenger and freight automobiles shall be made on Form ’“°t°""’h‘°1°“‘ numbere 124, and one copy of each report shall be filed in the Bureau Chemjca, Ow sm, of Yards and Docks: Promdcd further, That the sum to be hpaid out ms. ’ " of this appropriation under the direction of the Secretary of e Navy for chemists, clerical, drafting, inspection, watchmen, and messenger service in navy yards, naval stations, naval ordnance plants, and naval ammunition depots for the fiscal year ending Jnme 30, 1921, shall not exceed $2,000,000; in all, $17,500,000. Purchase and manufacture of smokeless powder, $200,000. ;'”°k?1°’ 1;1wd°r;{ Exrsmiumrrs, BUBEAU 01-* ORDNANGE: or explerimental work in ’p°"m°“ wm ‘ the development of armor-piercing and torpedo s ell and other pro- `ectiles, fuses, powders, and high explosives, in connection with problems of the attack of armor with irect and inclined fire at various ranges, including the purchase of armor, powder, projectiles, and fuses for the above purposes and of all necessary material and labor in connection therewith; and for other experimental work under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ordnance in connection with the development of ordnance material for the Navy, $200,000. _ Cmmgmt Cozvrmenxr, BUREAU or OBBNANUE: For miscellaneous items, ‘ namely, cartage, ex enses of light and water at ammunition depots and stations, tolls, flirriage tec nical books, and incidental expenses attending inspection of ordnance material, $25,000. BUREAU or raans AND nooxs. p§`i..'Y°°°fY"ds°°° MAINTENANCE, BUREAU OF YARDS AND D0cKs: For general main- “°m°°°°°°‘ tenance of yards and docks, namely, for books, maps, models, and drawings; purchase and repmf of fire engines; fire apparatus and lants; machinery; operation, repair, purchase, maintenance of www horses and driving teams, carts, timber wheels, and all 'V6h1Cl€S, ' including motor- ropelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying veh1- cles to be used only for official purposes, and including motor-propelled vehicles for freight-carrying purposes only for use m all navy yards and naval stations; too s an repair of the same; stationery; mmture for Government houses and offices in navy yards and naval stations; coal and other fuel; candles, oil, and gas; attendance on light and power dplants; cleaning and clearing up yards and care of buildings; at ten ance on iires, lights, fire engines, and fire apparatus and plants; incidental labor_at navy yards; water tax, to s, and ferriage; pay of watchmen m navy yards; awnings and epackzing P,,,,,,,,,_,_ boxes; and ay for emphéyees on leave, $6,500,000: Provtd ,_That icgenml, etc., sewthe sum to Ee paid out o this appro riation under thB·d11‘8Ct10H of ° the Secretary of the Navy for clerical; inspection, draftmagl, messenger, and other classified work in the navy yards and nav stations,