SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 228. 1920. 821 Angeles Harbor (San Pedro), California; and a submarine, destroyer, an aviation base at Port An eles, Washington. That the Secretary of the ilavy is hereby directed to detail such 1 °! Bxpms m technical experts to assist the committee as the committee may reqiqlest. E { at the expenses of said committee shall be paid, one-half from tmgigilfsuiriirvm cm the contingent fund of the House of Representatives and one-half ,,,;°°h“i°°1 °‘p°“‘°s· from the contingent fund of the Senate, upon vouchers authorized by the committee and signed by the chairman thereof; and for the cost of borings and the procuring and collating of all other technical data in connection with such investigation, there is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated the Suln Of $5O’O00` South SanFrancisc The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to exchange a tract can:. °’ of land containing ten and four hundred and twenty-seven thousandths ,,,£§fh§,P§§0 °Q,§§§§; acres, more or less, owned by the United States, com rising a portion authmzedof the naval radio station, South San Francisco, Califldrnia, for a tract of land containing ten and four hundred and twenty-seven thousandths acres, more or less, owned by the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, to execute the necessary instruments to eEect such an exchange, and to make just compensation to said company for dismantling radio mast and terminating existing lease, and the sum of $6é0;)0, pir so much thereof as may be required, is hereb appropriate or the oregoing purposes. . ThdTSdi:Ii)·eti)ry of the Navy is hereby authorized to accept from the f §ii·¤1i;§i¤2%(?uié¤ds city of San Diego, California, free from encumbrances an conditions °' mv um '°m' and without cost to the United States Government, a certain tract of land containing one hundred and twenty-seven acres, more or less, for use as a site for naval station uses and lpgrposes, being land now leased to the United States Shipping Board ergency Fleet Corporation. Also a certain other tract o land known as b ook fourteen in the cit of San Diego, California, together with the land lying between said bllock and the waters of the harbor, and all riparian rights, for use for naval purposes. Mare 1snm1,ca11z. Navr YARD, Linus Ismxn, CALrronN1A: Maintenance of dikes and dredging, $100,000; underground electrical distributing system, $75.000; all, $l75,000. pugQgg0u_¤d,wa_sh_ Navy YARD, Prcrrr Souxn, Wnsnrxeroxz Railroad extensions, $25,000; for grading, filling, and sea-wall construction, to continue $175,000; fire qpotection, $50,000; locomotive cranes, $30,000; keel blocks for Dry ock No. 2, $40,000; in all, $320,000. Pm, m,b,,,, H,. NAVAL STATION, PEARL HARBOR, HAWAII: Electric connections to Wldry dock, $15,000; central power plant extensions, $200,000; quay wall connecting dry dock and wharf, $330,000; machine shop, to continue. 55100,000; e ectric-system extensions, $30,000; oxy—acetylene building, $15,000; marine railway, to complete, $200,000; in all, $590, 000. _ Punloa Ride Rance. The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to exchange a tract ,,"’,§,§§,,“§§j,’,d'f’ mds of land containing ei¤hty-one and seven-tenths acres, more or less, ' being a part of Puuiloa Rifle Range Reservation, located at the entrance to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, forming the northeasterly portion of said reservation, for an equal acrea e of land free from encumbrances and located adjoining the nortlrwesterly portion of said r€Sprvation* _ _ _ Honolulu, Hawaii. The Secretary of the l\ aw is hereby authorized to exchange certain t§$¤g#=y£>dS¤f8tm;3} land now a part of the naval station roperty at Honolulu, Hawaii, inefiiea. ' necessary for the extension of Punchliowl Street, city of Honolulu, through the naval station, for certain land now owned or to be acquired by the Territory of Hawaii, lying to the northeast of the naval station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and cont ` ¤ one hundred and thirty-two acres, more or less, required for naviall purposes.