SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 228. 1920. 825 or probationary appointments in the R ar Na or Marine Co : Provided, That the provisions of this seciigiiiii shall iiiiply to the oflibgis b,f{m’G °§}§i°°‘ and enlisted men of the Coast Guard, and the Secretary of the Treas- u ` urv will cause payment to be made accordingly. That the Superintendent of the Coast an Geodetic Survey shall C§,§,P°g,§§‘Q;*,‘;g_g,§ have the relative rank, pay, and allowances of a captain in the Navy, Sumiand that hereafter he shall be appointed by the President, by and with dailgiixéiig? "’ °t°" the advice and consent of the Senate, from the list of commissioned P°"· P- 92** officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey not below the rank of commander for a term of four years, and may be reappointed for further periods of four years each. _ _ Pnovrsroxs, NAVY: For provisions and commuted rations for §f,°,}',‘,";}‘Q,‘;’,;,,,,,, 0, the seamen and marines, which commuted rations may be paid mggsieefgsww-ml to caterers of messes, in case of death or desertion, upon orders of am¤mitiii°` '°` ’ the commanding officers, commuted rations for officers on sea duty (other than commissioned officers of the line, Medical and Supply Corps, chaplains, chief boatswains, chief gunners, chief carpenters, chief machinists, chief pay clerks, and chief sailmakers) at 68 cents per diem, and midshi men at $1.08 per diem, and commuted rations stopped on account elf sick in hospital and credited at the rate of 68 cents per ration to the naval hospital fund; subsistence of officers and men unavoidably detained or absent from vessels to which attached under orders (during which subsistence rations to be stopped on board ship and no credit for commutation therefor to be given); subsistence of men_ on detached duty; subsistence of officers and men of the naval auxrhary service; subsistence of members of the Naval Reserve Force during qzriod of active service; expenses in han visions and for su istence of female nurses and Navy and e Corps general courts-martial prisoners undergoing imprisonment with sentences of dishonorable discharge from the Pfam service at the ex iration of such confinement: Provided, That the cemmiitedmuosto Secretary of the glayly is authorized to commute rations for such P"‘°"°”‘ general courts-marti prisoners rn such amounts as seem to him proper, which may vary in accordance with the location _0f the naval Amy annum prison, but which shall in no cme exceed 30 cents per chem for each mm. ration so commuted; and for the purchase of United States Army emergency rations as required; rn all, $26,000,000, to be available until the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922. mm LIAINTENANOE BUREAU O? SUPPLIES AND Accomvrs: For fuel· °°“°°°` the removal and transportation of ashes and garbage from ships of war; books, blanks, and stationery, including stationery for commanding and navigating officers of shgps, chaplains on shore and afloat, and for the use of courts-marti on board ships; purchase repair, and exchange of t5;p¤Wnters for ships; packing boxes and materials; interior ttings or general storehouses, paypflices, and accounti offices in navy yards; expenses of dis ursrng officers; coffee mills and repair thereto; expenses of naval clothing factory _ and machinery for the same; laboratogy equipment; purchase of arti- E¤“*P““*’“PP““* cles of e ui age at home and abroa under the cognizance of the Bureau Qi Siirpplies and Accounts, and for the payment of labor rn equipping vessels therewith, and the manufacture of such articles m the several navy yards; musical instruments and music; mess outfits; soap on board naval vessels; athletic outfits; tolls, ferriages, yeomen’s stores, safes, and other incidental expenses; labor in general storehouses, paymasters’ oiiiices, and accounting offices in nag yards and naval stations, including naval stations maintained in and possessions under the control of the United States, and expenses 1H handling stores purchased and manufactured under "General account o advances," and the accounting officers of the Treasury are authorized dg¤¤;;il;§w°}w%g;c§ and directed to credit "General account of advances" with the ais. 44.2S1°——2l—54