Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/868

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SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 234. 1920. 847 Act: Promkied, That no such change shall be made unless there shall result therefrom a decrease in the cost of the improvement. For construction and rejpair of sidewalks and curbs around public Sid°w“‘“·°*°· reservations and municip and United States buildings, $20,000. Rnrams ·ro summrsau Rows: For current work of repairs to §’g'§;’,,‘g“'g{g’°“S· suburban roads and suburban streets, including maintenance of motor ` vehicles and the purchase or exchange of three light motor vehicles with truck bodies, in lieu of three motor vehicles owned by the District of Columbia, at a total cost not to exceed $1,800, $250,000. Brrmons: For construction and repairs, including the allowance §,§§§§,‘}*,;,,t,°,, W to the overseer of bridges for the mamtenance of an automobile for 1>¤ir¤.¤¢¤· ' use in performance of his official duties of not to exceed $30 per _ month, $27,500. This appropriation shall be available for repairing n&,,‘g,{‘§s$$,“} ,‘;,";" when necessary any bridge carrying a public street over the right 0 aw- ' way or property of any railway company, or for constructing, reconstructing, or re airing in such manner as shall in the judgment of the commissioners he necessary reasonably to accommodate public tramc, any bridge required to carry or carrying such traffic in a public street °"°’ ‘”‘““'“‘ over the ht of way or roperty of any canal company operating as such inntiilre District of golumbra on the neglect or refusa of suc ` railway or canal company to do such work when notified and rsiluired by the commissioners, and the amounts thus expended sh be a valid and subsisting lien against the property of such railway company or of such canal comcgany and shall be collected from such railway company or from su canal company m the manner provided Vol. 20 105. in section 5 of an Act providing a permanent form of government for ’ p' the District of Colum ia, approved June 11, 1878, and shall be deited in the Treasury to e credit of the United States and the mtrict of Columbia in equal parts. _ Highwa Bridge across Potomac River: Draw operators-—two at Highway Brides $1,020 each, two at $720 each; four watchman, at $720 each; labor · $2,000; lighting, power, and miscellaneous supplies, and expenses oi every kind necessarily incident to the operation and maintenance of the bridge and approaches, $10,500; painting the floor, beams, stringers, and plates under the roadway of the bridge, $10,000; in all, $28,860. j _ Anacostia River Bridge: For employees, miscellaneous supplies, and A¤¤<>°¤*¤¤ B¤*d¢•· expenses of every kind necemary to operation and maintenance of the bridge, $5,000.


For cleaning and repairing sewers and basins, purchase of two motor cnmng, tec. trucks at not to exceed $3,000 each, and maintenance of motor vehicles, $90,000. _ _ _ For operation and Dlamtchahcc of the sewage pumping service P¤m1>i¤s wwwiucluding repairs to boilers, machinery, and pumping stations, and employment of mechamcs, laborers, and two watchmen, purchase of coal, oils, waste, and other supplies, and for maintenance of motor trucks, $90,000. _ _ _ d _ For main and pipe sewers and receiving basins, $100,000. min °“ ""’°‘ For suburban sewers, including the exchange or replacement_of S“"""’°“· two motor field wagons at not to exceed $800 each, and the maintenance of motor vehicles, $200,000. Aswsmmm pen For assessment and permit work, sewers, $100,000. _ mayors. For purchase or condemnation of rights of way for construction, R"'““’ °"'°" maintenance, and repair of public sewers, $2,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary. _ _ Upper Potomac interceptor: For continuing the construction of t°gg1g>g,j,_P°*°¤¤¤ ¤-¤· the Upper Potomac interceptor between Twenty-seventh and K Streets and the Chain Bridge, $30,000.