858 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 234. 1920. insignia of office, purchase of horses, biciycles, motorcycles, lplolice equipments and repairs to same, hamess, orage, repairs to ve 'cles, van, patrol wagons, motor patrol, and saddles, mounted equipments, and expenses incurred in prevention and detection of crime, and other necessary expenses, $50,000; of which amount a sum not exceedingl $500 may be expended by the major and superintendent of po `ce for prevention and detection of crime, under his certificate, approved by the commissioners, and every such certificate shall be _ deemed a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have §,C;;’§g, 0, Amy been expended: Provided, That the War Department may, in its mvimted eq¤ip¤¤¤¤¤- discretion, furnish the commissioners, for use of the police, upon r uisition, such worn mounted equipment as may be required; rugs. · Exhor flags and halyards, $200; “°‘°"'°‘“°‘°s· For maintenance of motor vehicles, $18,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary; . _ For additional motor vehicles, $4,500; ,,,,I,l,$§,§’,’,§fj,Q‘f,‘f*mg °°" For the reconstruction of cell corridors and in making, erecting, and placing therein modern locking devices in precinct station ouses, $7,500; HD (D mmm In all, $95,200. °S°° ° ° Housn or DETENTIONI To enable the commissioners to provide transportation, including purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, and a suitable place for the reception, transportation, and detention of children under seventeen years of age, and, in the discretion of the commissioners, of girls and women over seventeen years of age, arrested by the police on charge of offense against any law in orce in the District of Columbia, or held as witnesses, or held pendingi final investigation or examination, or otherwise, including two cler s, at $1,000 each; two drivers at $780 each; attendants——one $1,200, four at $1,080 each; cook, $500; laundress, $500; janitor, $600; miscellaneous expenses, including clinic supplies, food, upkeep and repair of building, fuel, gas, ice, laundry, supplies, and equipment, electricity, maintenance of motor station vehic e, and other necessary expenses, $34,940; in all, $45,620, HRM md or so much thereof as may be necessary. ` P ‘ Hannon PATROLZ Two engineers, at $1,000 each; two firemen, one watchman, and two deck hands, at $660 each; in all, $5,300; $3g<616 fuel, construction, maintenance, repairs, and incidentals, In all, $8,800. ieiiJiii§.i.m°°’°t°"' POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN’S RELIEF FUND. §€il.°Zift§j’iii°.m` To pay the relief and other allowances authorized by law, a sum not to exceed .?‘€24,846.28 is appropriated from the policemen and fire- FIRE DEPARTMENT. Salaries. ·*’·*¤· P- 397- Chief engineer, $4,000; two deputy chief engineers, at $3.000 each; eight battalion chief engineers, at $2,400 each; fire marshal, $2,400 deputy fire marshal, $2,000; four inspectors, at $1,660 each; chief clerk, 82.400; clerk, $1,400; clerk (who shall be a stenographer and typewriter), $1,660; thirty-ei¤ht captains, at $1,900 each; forty lieutenants, at $1,760 each; {forty-one sergeants, at $1,700 eachsuperintendent of machinery, $2,500; assistant superintendent of machinery, $2,000; two pilots, at $1,700 each; two marine en eers, at $1,700 each; two assistant marine engineers, at $1,660 ea§Ii two marine firemen, at $1,-160 each; privates—-two hundred and ii.ftv—eight of class three at $1,660 each, two hundred and eight of class itwo at $1,560 each, thirty-three of class one at $1,460 each; amount required to pay salaries of privates of class two who will be promoted to class