860 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 234. 1920. Bt£{¤’¤¤*¤¤ Pmlysit serums, including their use in indigent cases, and for the prevention of infantile paralysis and other communicable diseases, including salaries or compensation for personal services, not exceeding $25,000, when ordered in writing_by the commissioners and necessary for the enforcement and execution of said Acts,_ and for the prevention of such other commumcable diseases as herembeforedprovided, purchase _ and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, an harness, {purchase °t§¤¤¤¤P¢>¤ ¤*¤¤¤¤¤· of reference books and medical ]0l11'D.8.lS, and maintenance 0 quaraniimsq. _ tmc station and smallpox hospiilgal, $40,000:_ Promded, That any B°°"°“°*°‘”°s '°' bacteriologist employed under t approprration shall not be aid dfil-FY, etc., examine- P P ¤¤¤=· more than $7 per day may be aislsliied by the health officer to thel bpcteriologrcal explnnnsgtilon og ang otherhdairy products an o the water supp `es 0 airy arms, an to suc other sanitary work as in the judgment of the health oficer will promote the public health, whw such examinations be or be not directly related to contagious ases. rammecang smite. For maintenance of disinfectingl service, including salaries or compensation for personal services w en ordered in writing by the commissioners an necessary for maintenance of said service, and for purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, $7 000. 3$i¤2gs¤ ¤{g¢¤- litor enforoemeirt of the provisions of an Act to pdrovide for the drain- Abéf ’ p` ,` age of lots in the District of Columbia, approved ay 19, 1896, and an v¤1.a1li§pfK`i?°°°S‘ Act to provide for the abatement of nuisances in the District of gollulinpéa py th: commissioners, and for other purposes, approved p 906, 1,000. 8,}fg§· °“’·· ’“‘°“°" For special services in connection with the detection of the adulteration of drugs and of foods, including candy and milk, $100. 0¤*fgf;°;’f;§jg*°' **’b‘ Bacterio ogical laboratory: For maintaining and keeping in good ' orédegis and for the purchase of reference books and scientific peri- 0 `c , $1,000. Apparatus, eqrgpment, cost of installation, supplies, and other gxspensessgngrden to the biological and serological diagnosis of ` ease, 5 . Ch¤¤i°=>“¤b°m°’Y- Chemical laboratory: For maintaining and keeping in good order, anrgggr the purchase of reference books and scientific periodicals, $1, . ulfggylgfing milk ’°g· For contingent expenses incident to the enforcement of an Act to v0r.z»,p.m. regulate the sale of milk in the District of Columbia, and for other §g§dé0°¤;g>ié g°é9,,_ puriposes, apiproved March 2, 1895; an Act relating to the adulteration ` ` of oods an drugs in the District of Columbia, apiproved February 17, 1898; an Act to prevent the adulteration of can y in the District $:{°3Q°°g’?8;; of Columbg, apprcgved May 5, 1898 andlglct for Gréreventing) theéllgnu- ' acture, s e, or ransportation 0 a terat or mis ran c or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regglagipgogamc therein, and for other purposes, approved June 30, 190 , , . jgfgriing d ¤ * ’ Y For necessary enses of ection of dairy farms, includin fa 'EL" amounts that magglip allowed the health officer, assistant health officer, chief medical inspector in charge of contagiousedisease service,_ and inspectors ass@ed to the inspection 0 dairy farms, for marnganance by eaclgiof a horse and vehisle at not to expleegl $25 per mont , or motor ve c e at not to excee $30 per mont , or use in the discharge of his official duties, and allowances for such other inspectors rn the service of the health department as the commissioners may determine, of not to exceed $15 per month for maintenance of a motor cvcle each, or of not exceeding $25 er annum for the maintenance off a bicycle each, for use in the disdliarge of their oilicial duties, and other necessary traveling expenses, $7,500.