878 sixrirsixrn conennss. sm. II. ce. 235. 1920. Operating expenses- runmc nuimamcs, ornnsrmc EXPENSES. %*iiiiliiiiiia· Tr(gaI;‘ii·:yii]iiia§i)rt(i;e11i?0deiel;i1ai);rSi?in;biSiii;;iiigiiaivitliii i§§"2§?·‘.?’ Zliif I tenance, and repair of all public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department (except as hereinafter provided), together with the grounds thereof and the equipment and furnishings therein, including assistant custodians, janitors, watchmen, laborers, and charwomen; engineers, firemen, elevator conductors, coal assers, electricians, dynamo tenders, landpists, and wiremen; meciiianical labor force in connection with said buildings, including carpenters, plumbers, steam fitters, machinists, and painters, but in no case shall the rates of compensation for such mechanical labor force be in excess of the rates current at the time and in the place where such grqrgo. meh services are emploied, $3,700,000: Provikied, That the foregoing 8,,,‘§b{§g’ ‘°' W appropriation shall e available for use in connection with all ublic buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, inciiiding the customhouse in the District of Columbia, but not includin any nuuimgs minded. other public building within the District of Columbia, and excgisive of mariinje hospitals, quarantine stations, mints, branch mints, and assay offices.
- ""°““‘°· °‘°· Furniture and repairs of furniture: For furniture, carpets, and
repairs of same, for completed and occupied public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of marine hospitals, quarantine stations, mints, branch mints, and assay offices, and for gas and electric lighting fixtures and repairs of same for completed and occupied pub `c buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, including marine hospitals and quarantine stations, but exclusive of mints, branch mints, and assay offices, and for furniture and carpets for public buildin and extensions of public buildings in couise of construction wliidli are to remain under the custody and control of the 'I‘reasury Department, exclusive of marine hosdpitalsnquarantine stations, mints, branch mints, and assay offices, an buildings constructed for other executive de artments or estab- ,,,,,,,,,,_ lishments o the Government, $625,000: Prmririizd, That the forem§g{;g¤¤1 ssrvicss rs- going appropriation shall not be used for personal services except for ` work done under contract or for tempora job labor under exi ency, U I H mi_ and not exceedingnqt one time the sum 373100 at any one building: ,.,g,,Sf’° "'°S°“ “Provided further at all furniture now owned by the United States in other public buildings or in buildin rented by the United States shall be ug, faii as iprapticable, wlisether it corresponds with the present re a ion p an or urmture or not. §2g_${f*{{;,§x,f°{,’g’}§g§; Operating supplies: Forfuel, steam, gas for lighting and heating waeemae. pugposes, water, ice, lighting supplies, electric current for hghtmag an power purposes, telephone service for custodian forces; remov of ashes and rubbish, snow, and ice; cutting grass and weeds, washing towels, and miscellaneous items for the use of the custodian forces in the care and maintenance of completed and occupied ublic buildings and the grounds thereof under the control of the Treasury Department,_ and in the care and maintenance of the equipment and furnishing m such buildings; miscellaneous supplies, tools, and appliances regqulmd in the operation (not embracing repairs) of the mechanical equipment, including heating, plumbing, hoisting, gas piping, Ventilating, vacl1um—cleaning and refrigerating apparatus, electric—light plants, meters, interior pneumatic-tube and intercommunicating teleighone systems, c_onduit wiring, call—bell and signal systems in such uildmgs (mcluding the customhouse in the District B¤¤¤i¤g¤ ¤¤¢l¤¤¢d· of Columbia, but excluding any other public building under the control of the Treasury Department within the District of Columbia, and excluding also marine hospitals and quarantine stations, mints,