SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. 883 person chosen to be President of the United States, $400,000: Pro— §,§"’;’{é mded, That no part of this amount shall be used in defraying the ex- ' penses of aniy person subtpoenaed by the United States courts to attend any trial be ore a Unite States court or preliminary examination before any United States commissioner, which expenses shall be paid from the a propriation for “Fees of witnesses, United States courts": §°·**· P· 924: Provided further, That no person shall be employed hereunder at a ay mmmm compensation greater than that allowed by law, except not exceeding three persons, who max be paid not exceeding $12 per day. Appropriations in this ct s all not be used in payment of com- d€{’;,{$°¤jtg° Qgfggi pensation or expenses of any person detailed or transferred, except am. ’ " ' to the Degartment of State, from the Secret Service Division of the E¤°°¤**°¤· Treasury epartment, or who may at any time during the fiscal year 1921 have been employed by or under said Secret Service Division. Lands and other property of the United States: For custody, care, mic protection, and expenses o sales of lands and other property of the u y’° ' Ynited States, acquired and held under sections 3749 an 3750 of the 3749.3750. Revised Statutes, the examination of titles, recording of deeds, adver- p` tising, and auctionee1s’ fees in connection therewith, $300. CUSTOMS SERVICE. Customs service. For collecting the revenue from customs, including not exceeding ,,,$§},'§§Y‘“g °“"°‘““ $200,000 for the detection and dprevention of frauds upon the customs _ revenue, $11 ,300,000: Provide , That not more than one appraiser for f·,°{,‘§’“‘;,,,,,,,,,,, B, the port of Baltimore shall be paid from this appropriation. B¤¤¤¤¤¤¤>· _ Scales for customs service:_For construction and installation of S,;,*,g‘,Y°m°"°» °‘°·- special automatic and recording scales for weighing merchandise, and so forth, in connection with imports at the variousports of entry under direction of the Secretaryof the Treasury, $147 ,000. ~ _ _ Compensation in lieu of moieties: For compensation in lieu of (,,‘i§’,{,’§},’§‘Q§f"‘°"i“"°“ moieties in certain cases under the customs revenue laws, $10,000. nunmu or INTERNAL nnvmmn. · I¤¤+=¤¤¤1r·>v¢¤¤¤· Enforcement of the National Prohibition Act: For the employment 1>rliiiiiiii*$1ii.iI;¢i°`°°°] of additional officers, traveling and other necessary miscellaneous A~¤.x»·3<>5- expenses to guard intoxicating liqfuors in bonded and other warehouses, and prevent violations 0 the N atxonal Prohibition Act, 1,000,000. 8 rustic naiurrn smzvics. ,,§`“"“° “°°‘“‘ S"' For sy, allowance, and commutation of quarters for commissioned G§,";¥,;_,f,§€g S“’g”°" medicsil officers, including the Surgeon General, assistant surgeons general at large not exceeding three in number, and pharmacists, 856,000; _ , S . For pay or seeing assistant surgeons (nouecmnassienea meats ,.£;‘,%“g“"“““* “‘ officers}, $275 000; H r_ Hereafter the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to permit miliiailniiiiiliiels p° officers of the Public Health Service to make allotments from their pa, under such I‘$§¤.l8i»l0I1S $18 l1B may prescribe; I Q Igor pay of all o er employees (attendants, and so forth), $740,000; °“{°' mf For freight, transportation, and traveling expenses, including the F’*‘*g"‘*‘·°‘° ·°"°‘ expenses, except membership fees, of officers w en officiallg detailed to attend meetings of associations for the promotion of pub c health, $40,000; For fuel, light, and water, $135,000; F“°**_°“" For furniture and repairs to same, $8,000; _ F“”“Y“"" For purveyiug depot, purchase of medical, surgical, and hospital S“p*°*‘°$· supplies, $85,000;