SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. 885 Prevention of epidemics: To enable the President, in case only of d°1;g_°*'°‘°¤ °‘ °P*· threatened or actual epidemic of cholera, typhus fever, ellow fever, A,,g,,p_ GSL smallpox, bubpmc plague, Chinese plague or black deatli, trachoma, influenza, or infantile paralysis, to and State and local boards, or otherwise, in his discretion, in preventing and suppressin the spread of the same, and in such emergency in the execution cig an P . tiililarantine laws which may be then in force, $355,000: Provided; Rspmfor expendiat a detailed report of the expenditures hereunder shall annually "“°"‘ hereafter be submitted to Congress. mmnvem t. Field investigations: For investigations of diseases of man and g°`°°s` conditions miluencing thipuprotpagatron and gpread thereof, including sanitation and sewa§e, e llutron o navigable streams an lakes of the United tates, includliiiig personal service, $300,000. mmtm Interstate Quarantine service: or cooperation with State and tineservice. °°°m° municipal he th authorities in the prevention of the spread of cont vious and infectious diseases in interstate traffic, $25,000. Rumsmmm azltural sanitation: For s ecral studies of, and demonstration work °' in, rura.l sanitation, including services,. and not to exceed $5,000 for the purchase, maintenance, repair, and pperation Pmm of motoppropelled passenger-c veh1cles $50,000: rwided, Cooperation tz That no art of this appropnatron be available for demonstra- “‘“"“·°“*·’°°“*'°"· tion wor]? in rural san1tationin any commun1ty_ unless the State, county, or municipality in which the commirmtyis located agrees to pa one-half the expense of such demonstration work, , mmm mmm Pellagra: For rental, equipment, and maintenance of a temporary ` field hos ital and laboratory, includmgmpiry of personnel, for special 1.,,,,;,, studies ol) ellagra, $16 250: Prmrided; t no part of this sum shall ri¤¤i¤¤¤¤· be available for expenditure after December 31, 1920. V,m,,,’,,,,,,mM,,_ Biologic products:. To regulate the propagation and sale of vi- R¤s¤¤•¤¤:¤=1<¤.¤¤c· ruses, serums, toxins, and analogous pro uots,_and for the preparation of curative and diagnostic biologic products, including personal serviO€, $50,000· _ , _ _ _ Divlsiono!Venerea1 For the mamtenance and expenses of the Division of Venereal 1>i¤¤¤¤¤¤- Diseases, established by sections 3 and 4, Chapter XV, of the Act v°" ‘°’°‘m approved July 9, 1918, including personal and other services in the Heiil and in the District of Columbia, $200,000. Hmmm M dig To enable the Secretary of the Treasuiiy to continue in effect the cnaigtuitiaimm. provisions of section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize "°*·*°·P·¤*°2· the Secretary of the Treasuz to (provide hospital and sanatorium facilities for dischagtged sic an disabled soldiers, sailors, and marines," approved arch 3, 1919, $295,000. runs rnornnrr cnsromxx. aéiilii "‘°*’°"’ °“S Services, supplies, For ex uses of the Alien Property Custodian authorized by the nc. _ Act entitlgl "An Act to define, regulate, and punish trading with §°,f,;°,;}’,;g‘* the enemy, and for other purposes/’ approved October 6, 1917, as amended; including person and other services and rental of quarters in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, per diem allowences in lieu of subsistence not exceeding $4, traveling expenses, printing and binding, law books, books of reference and periodicals, supplies and uipment, and maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propellgd passenger·carrying vehicles, $455,000. American Printing AMERICAN PRINTING HOUSE FOR THE BLIND. ¤¤¤¤¤¢f¤¤¤¤B¤¤¤- _ _ _ Expenses. To enable the American Printing House for the Bhnd more ade— quately to provide books and apparatus for the education of the _,,,,,,,,_m_ blind in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved August 4, 1919, $40,000.