SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. 891 SHIPP G Shipping Board. For five commissioners, at $7,500 each; secretary, $5,000; in all, saimes. $42,500. "°*‘»¤·°°°- For all other expenditures authorized by the Act approved Septem- Anmumxnensusber 7, 1916, as amended, including the compensation of attorneys, V°l`3°’p‘m‘ officers, naval architects, special ezgperts, examiners clerks, and other employees in the District of Co umbia and elsewhere; and for all other expenses of the board, includingsthe rental of q{uarters outside the District of Columbia, law boo , books of re erence, and periodicals, printing and binding, and actual and necessary expenses of members of the board, its special experts, and other em oyees *"”‘»P·°°°· while upon official business outside of the District of Coliiimbia, $400,000. EMERGENCY SHIPPING FUND. Emergency SNP- plug Fund. The authorization of $2,764,000,000, heretofore established for the ,z§§)gbr*§lQ1ig;§,§“m°'· construction of shi s, is reduced to $2,614,000,000. .4m,p.1w- The expenses of) the United States Shipping Board Emergency Ememnw mm Fleet Corporation, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, for · mhm administrative purposes, the payment of claims arising from the mg. cancellation of contracts, damage charges and miscellaneous adjustr °"’ p‘°°°‘ ments, maintenance and operation of vessels, and the completion of vessels now under construction, shall be paid from the following S0,,,°mp.,,,m,d_ sources: (a) The amount on hand July 1, 1920; (b) the amount received during the fiscal year 1921 from the operation of ships; (c) not to exceed $15,000,000 rom deferred payments on ships sold prior to the approval of this Act· (d) not to exceed $25,000,000 from plant and material sold during the Hscal year 1921; and (e) not to exceed mm $30,000,000 from ships sold during the Hscal year 1921: Provided, _N¢»r¤r£um·¤¤s¤·¤¤- That, after the a proval of this Act, no contract shall be entered into §§§§_°"“"°'““ °“°‘°" or work undertallsen for the construction of any additional vessels for the United States Shi ping Board or the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Cgirporation. C No contracts for ship construction to be entered into shall provide °""°°"°°°“°"°”" that the compensation of the contractor shall be the cost of construction plus a percentage thereof for profit, or plus a fixed fee for ro6t. No art of the funds of the United States Shippinv Board Emer- ,,,§;f°*» D- C··'°“’*°· ency }I*`leet Corporation shall be available for rent of buildings in the District of Columbia, during the Bscal ¥ear 1921, if suitable space is provided for the said corporation by the public Buildings Commission. P _ tm b` umm No part of the appropriations made in this Act for the Shipping eecglirbxiiucni ’ Board or the Emergency Fleet Corporation shall be expended for the preparation, printing, or publication of any bulletins, newspapers, ma azines, or periodicals, or for services m cormection with same, not inciuding preparation and printing of reports or documents authorized b law. . . Y smrnsoman INSTITUTION. ..%:5.‘;¥“*°“*“ ‘”“‘ [mei-national exchanges: For the system of international ex- cbfgf;;;*°*°¤°' °*‘ changes between the United States and foreign countries, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including necessary employ- ees and purchase of necessary books and periodicals, $50,000. _ American ethnologyt For continuing ethnological researches among ,,g*;f“°“°°“ E*·“”°l' the American Indians and the natives of Hawaii, including the excavation and reservation of archzeologic remains, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including necessary employees and the purchase of necessary books and periodicals, $44,000. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature: For the concipera- b!¤:¤3=¤Sgii<;¤;_¤t}¤;‘?lIg tion of the United States in the work of the International Ca ogue ergim.