SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 235. 1920. 899 For a ferry line from the vicinity of Seventh and Water Streets to P§§"" ‘° P°‘°”"°° East Potomac Park, $7,000. ` For cement walks in grounds south of Executive Mansion, $5,000. 'Ijhe appropriation for a new lodge and comfort station in the G§,,§‘,,§8"‘“°“’°“ Smithsoman Grounds, contained in the Sundry Civil Appropriation ¤¤r¤1¤¥¢ ¤1¤¤¤¤· Act for the fiscal year 1920, is continued and made available during """*P‘m· the fiscal year 1921,_together with the additional sum of $3,000. $513316 grading, soilmg, and seeding East and West Seaton Park, B°°‘°"'P""· $7%%% a new combined lodge and comfort station in Stanton Park, _ F or_improving the grounds around the Freer Art Gallery Building B§°,,";,§,,_*"* °°“°” 1ng1n1ihs§n1fa1LGE·ounds, $20,000. Bml d H H {mm mgm t ne a 0 the orego' sumsunder" ° din` gsan undsinand ,°,,,_ ° around YVashington" shldlfbepaid from the revenues ofilfe District of m4°:¢¢· i>· 83% Columbia and the other half rom the Treasury of the United States. Gmudsommtm For improvement, care, and maintenance of grounds of executive asm-¤¤.ma·.,¤m. departments, $1,000. or such trees, shrubs lants, fertilizers, and skilled labor for the grounds of the Libra.ry of go ess as may be requested by the superintendent of the Library Builngihg, $1,000. For such trees, shrubs, lants, fertilizers, and skilled labor for the grounds of the Ca itol and) the Senate and House Office Buil as may be requested) by the Superintendent of the Capitol Buil , $4,000. For improvement and maintenance of Executive Mansion grounds g,§,§’§Q*'° “’"”’°° (within iron fence), $5,000. For the employment of an engineer by the officer in charge of E°‘“‘°°"*°‘°· public buildings and grounds, $2,400. _ For purchase and repair of machinery and tools for shops at nursery, and for the reipair of shops and storehouses, $1,000. For drainage back o the iron fence at the north front of the Executive Mansion grounds, $1,500. E av umim Executive Mansion: For ordinary care, repair, and refurnishing of C:re“iurep:1r,etc. Executive Mansion, and for lpurchase, maintenance, and driving of horses and vehicles for offici purposes, to be expended by contract or otherwise, as the President may determine, $45,000. For fuel for the Executive Mansion and greenhouses, $8,000. F“°'· For care and maintenance of greenhouses, Executive Mansion, °'°°“°°°'°" $9,000. For repair to greenhouses, Executive Mansion, $3,000. For reconstructing one greenhouse, Executive Mansion, $4,000. For traveling expenses of the President of the United States, to be °,'fgg{$°‘;*,§,_n°{P°°’°° expended in his discretion and accounted for on his certificate solely, $25,000. _ _ _ Lighting For lighting the Executive Mansion, grounds, and greenhouses, ° including all necessary expenses of installation, maintenance, and mlgiiri $81600- . . . . Lighting ew pub- 'ghting the publicagroundsz For lighting the public grounds, ucgmmui " watchmen s lodges, 0 ces, and greenhouses at the propagating gardens, including all necessary expenses of installation, maintenance and repair, $24,000. For heating offices, watchmen’s lodges, and greenhouses at the propagating gardens, $4,500. Han from District In all, $28,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, one-half ,mmw$. of which Sum shall beifpaid from the revenues of the DistI'1Gl3 of Cclum- A”"* p‘ 8% bia and the other ha from the Treasury of the United States. Telegraiph to connect the Capitol with the departxnents and Gov- g,,§’,§’,§“”“°“‘ ‘°‘°' ernment Office: For care and repair of existing lines, $500. _ ` Washington l\ onument: For custodian, $1,200; steam engineer, m§§’§?‘““g‘°” "°““‘ $960; assistant steam e ineer, $840; Bremen, $660; assistant tire- ri;i¤i¤¢¤¤¤¤¤• Salaman, $660; conductor ii? elevator car, $900; attendants-one on `