912 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. work with the Bureau of Mines, and the compensation and expenses of the officeris io detqiledhmsg be paiplliirlcgm the applicable approriations ma e erein or the ureau 0 es; ,,§`{§f,‘§*`F °"’°“m€“° P For the employment of personal services and all other expenses in §ggf°,gS;§·,,59_ connection with the establishment, maintenance, and operation of ’ mmgng e;p6e51(1;5p)nt stations, authorized by the Act approved March _ 3, 1 15, 2 , ; ,,§`§,§l§{’§‘§f,‘;,.,1;,‘T" °" For care and maintenance of the buildings and grounds at Pitts- “·*¤‘°m¤°°·°'*°· burgh, Pennsylvania, including personal services, the operation, maintenance, and repair of passenger automobiles for official use, and _ all other expenses requisite for an incident thereto, $50,000;
For_ operation of mine rescue cars, including personal services,
V°*-*’*·P·°5”- traveling expenses and subsistence, eqiupment supplies, authorized by the ct approved March 3, 1915; to be available for expenditure on any preliminary work that may be found necessary in connection with such cars as are to be purchased prior to the time of _ _ their actual delivery, $154,667; _u¥§§_ "‘“p°°“ °'· ger opelgzme inspector for dq_t15§lin];Ala.;ka, $3,000; or c er o mine inspector 0 as a, 1,500; For per diem, subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, in lieu of subsistence, at a rate not exceeding $4 when absent on official business from his designated headquarters, and for actual necessary traveling and contingent _ ex enses of said ins ector and clerk, $2,500; L“’”°"’· igor technical and) scientific books and publications and books of re erence, $1,500; ,,s‘§§“,‘},‘,§,,““Q"§;? '°' For the purchase or lease of necessary land, where and under such ' conditions as_the Secretary of the Interior may direct, for headquarters of mme rescue cars and construction of necessary railway _ sidings and housing for the same, or as the site of an experimental §@'g"”;’;,,c,, 0, ,,,,_ mine and a tplant for studying explosives, $1,000: Provide , That the ¤¤¢¤<i€ip¤¤d¤.¢¢¤- Secretary o _ the Interior is authorized to accept any suitable land or lands, buildings, or improvements that may be donated for said . pugpose and to glnter into eases fpr pjeriods not exceeding ten years, _ _ su ject to annu appropriations y ongress; _ §,j{},*’_@,·‘§i;,,;*§,;’,§$;,Scu_, Authority is granted the Secretar of the Interior to sell at public smrionat auction lots one, two, and three, block one hundred and twenty, with any impfovements thereon, of the original town site of Billings, Montana, w ch were used as a United States mine rescue station; the procpleds of said sale to be deposited and covered into the Treasury as misce aneous recei ts; ,,,"",§§§f{’°,‘Q’,§§;",,,,,Y},i§‘“§$,` Persons employed guring the fiscal year 1921 in field work out- ¤>i$¤i¢¤¤f€¤1¤¤i¤’*i¤· gde pfdthe D1str1agloffColumbia underhthq) Bureau <}f inayfbc etai e tempor or service in the istrict o um ia, or purposes of lpreparliigi results of their field work; all persons_so detailed sha be pai in addition to their regular compensation _ only their actual traveling expenses or er diem in lieu of subsistence Kiiliigéz or neces, in going to and returning therefrom: growled, That nothing herein s¤rvé¤<c>¤¤S¢¤· shall prevent the payment to employees of the Bureau of Mines of their necessary expenses, or per diem in lieu of subsistence while on temporary detail in the District of Columbia, for pur oses only of R¤¤<>¤¢¤¤¤=¤¤¤¤- pionsultatiacgi qi mvesltigatiogs pn behalf of the Uniqpd) Sta?. All etails m e ercun er, an the p oses of each, urin e preceding Escal year shall be re-igortlgi? in the annual estimates of appropriations to Congress at e beginning of each regular session ereo ; mwiiiigiritiiigiilizoiltiril Government fuel yards: For the purchase and transportation of luglggézae of me, fuel; storing and handling of fuel 111£r8.I‘dS§ maintenance and operation mnsemneaeze. of yards and equipment, mclu ing motor-propelled passengercarrying vehicles for inspectors, purchase of equipment, rentals,