SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. l920. 917 unusual duty in connection herewith, shall receive as compensation exceeding $200 per month, in addition to actual traveling expenses and er diem not exceeding $4 in lieu of subsistence, when absent on dirty from his designated and actual post of duty: Provided ,,,S{;°§{",,f,?°b§' m’°”°‘ further, That of said sum not exceeding $7,000 may be expended for peEnal serdviices mfthe District of Qolu&n]pia._ f h 1 Su _ on of ex ex n tures o money a ro nate erem or sc oo oses pen ams. ` in Alasklaefor schools other tlilgn ilihose for the education glu-irhite children under the jurisdiction of the (_g)overnor thereof shall be under the syervision an direction of the mmissioner of Education and in co ormity with such conditions, rules, regulations as to conduct and methods of instruction and expenditures of money as may from time to time be recommended by him and approved by the Secretary of the Interior. Medmlmdsammw Medical relief in Alaska: To enable the Secretgafiy of the Interior, nut:. in his discretion and under his direction, with the vice and coplperation of the Public Health Service, to provide for the medic and sanitary relief of the Eskimos, Aleuts, Indians, and_other natives of Alas a; erection, urchase, repair, rental, and equipment of hospital buildings; bool; surgical apparatus; tlpay and necessary traveling expenses of physicians, nurses, and o er employees, and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses which are not rncluded under the above special heads, $90,000. _ _ Admission or my Patients who are not indigent may be admitted to the hospitals P***=¤¤· for care and treatment on the payment of such reasonable charges therefor as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe. Mmm, Reindeer for Alaska: For support of reindeer stations in Alaska ' and instruction of Alaskan natives in the care and management of Pmm reindeer, $6,400: Pramkled, That the_ Commissioner of Education is sus ¤:`mi.»s,se¤. authorized to sell such of the male reindeer belonging to the Government as he may deem advisable and to use the proceeds in the purchase of female reindeer belonging to missions and in the distribution of reindeer to natives in those portions of Alaska in which reindeer have not yet been placed and which are adapted to the reindeer lildust . pmmqm of _ Protleyction of game in Alaska: For canyingput the Act approved V¤L at ¤·10=·“m Ma 11, 1908, entitled "A.n Act for thekproteetron of game in Xlaska, and, for other pu es," including s aries, traveling expenses of game wardens, anldxtsll other necessary expenses, $25,000, to be expended under the direction of the Governor of Alaska. suppressing liquor Traffic in intoxicating liquors: For sugpression of the traffic in "‘”‘°· intoxicatin liquors among the natives o Alaska, to be expended under the direction of th_e Secretary of the Interior, $15,000. nmmimm. Exportation of birch timber: Hcrearfter birch timber may be ex- m,l§g*°g_°‘*¤**°¤ °‘· P°'· ported from Alaska. N E M mn il LOD. NATIONAL PARKS. Director cl National National Park Service: Director, $4,500; assistant director, $2,500; P°‘* S°“"°°* °‘°· chief clerk, $2,000; editor, $2,000; draftsman, $1,800; accountant, $1,800 ; clerks-two of class four, two of class three, one of class twp, one of class one, one $1,020,_two at $900 each; messenger, $600; in 8,11, for park service in the District of Columbia, $27,420. _ Accepmxége or ge Hereafter the Secretary _0f the Interior in his administration of §‘§§,,§‘m5¤'Z$g,,€§`; the National Park Service IS authorized, in his discretion, to accept atented lands, rights of way over patented lands or other lan , Kuildi vs, or other property within the various national parks and nationnsa monuments, and moneys which may be donated for the purposes of the national1park and monument system. _ cmu, Lm, Om Crater Lake N ational_ ark, Oregon: For administration, protection, maintenance, and improvement, including not exceeding $600