Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/98

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 7. 1919. 77 amounts thus expended shall be collected from such railroad com- V°’· “°#P·’°5· panics as provided by section 5 of "An Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia," approved June 11, 1878, and shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriation for the fiscal year in which they are collected. Chee . b He The authority given the commissioners in the District of Columbia vn. égiigciirso. °S` Appropriation Act approved March 2, 1907, to make such changes in the lines of the cur of Pemisylvania Avenue and its intersecting streets in connection with their resurfacing as they may consider necessary and advisable is made applicable to such other streets and avenues as may be improved under appropriations contained in this Pr Act: Provided, That no such change s all e made unless there shall R,§'{l`}Z;,,,,,_ result therefrom a decrease in the cost of the improvement. Sd em e For construction and re air of sidewalks and curbs around public I °w ’° °' reservations and municipal) and United States buildings, $20,000. Heweed Reed BE The assessment of costs against abutting properigr on account of Amssmeqe erase the construction in November, 1918, of a concrete roa way on Howard ‘,§’,§`,,,,§f‘P’°““g· P°“‘ Road for a. distance of sixteen hundred feet west from Nichols Avenue may be postponed, in the discretion of the Commissioners, for not to exceed one year from the date of the approval of this Act. Sebuebee mee ee_ Rnrams ro strsunnan norms: .For current work of repairs to pairs. ’ suburban roads and suburban streets, including maintenance of motor vehicles, $200,000. . · . » Bddeee Bnmons: For construction and repairs, including the allowance to cmmkatu, rethe overseer of bridges for the maintenance of an automobile for use "‘“‘“·°‘° in performance of his official duties of not to exceed $30 per month, Street b d d eee ever $25,000. This appropriation shall be available for repairing when mmmngna army, necessary any bn§e carrying a public street over the right of way or "°°‘ property of any r way company, or for constructing, reconstructing, or repairing in such manner as shall in the judgment of the c0mmis— Ovee I sxoners be necessary reasonably to accommodate public traffic, any bridge required to carry or carieying such traffic in a public street over the Ilght of way or property o any canal company 0 erating as, such m the District of Columbia, on the neglect or refusalp of such railway or canal company to do such work when notified and required b the commissioners, and the amounts thus expended shall be a valid, and subsisting lien against the pyopertdy of such railway company or of such canal company and sha be co ected from such railway company Vee dd me or from such cana company in the manner provided in section 5 of ’P` ` an Act providing a (permanent form of government for the District of Columbia, approve June 11, 1878, and shall be de osited in the Treasury to the credit of the United States and the District of Columbia in equal parts. . · meewey needed Highway} Bridge across Potomac River: Draw operators-two at $1,020 eac , two at $720 each; four watchmen, at $720 each; labor, $2,000· ligehting, power, and miscellaneous supplies,. and expenses of every necessarily incident to the operation and maintenance of the ridge and approaches, $10,500; in all, $18,860. - . . Ree,ddmd,d¤dm_ For completing regacement of the fenders of the bridge, $25,000. “ mmm Bum Anacostia River ridge: For employees, miscellaneous supplies, and expenses of every kind necessary to operation audmaintenance of the ridge, $5,000. .~ . · snwsns. — < “°"°’* For cleaning and repairing sewers and basins, purchase of a motor mw truck at not to exceed $2,000, and maintenance of motor vehicles, $805000. N . · ,· ;s .· · e P I Sendm- _ Fo1‘_0perati.on and of the sewage mcludingrepairg to boilers, employment of mechanics, laborers, and two wa , purchliam!