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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/351

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1780 PROCLAMATION S, 1919. · Bluff National Monument, the following described _ lands, t0—w1t: D°”°"*P“‘”'· the northwest quarter, north half of the southwest quarter, southeast quarter of the southwest uarter, southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the west hali of the southeast quarter of section four, · township twenty-0ne north, range-fifty-five west ;.1ots one, two and three, south of the northeast quarter, north half of the southeast quarter, southeast quarter of the northwest Euarter and_the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section ve, township tw_enty-one north range fifty-five west; the northeast quarter of section nine, towndhip twenty-one north, range ’rifty-five west; lots 81X·8l1d seven, _ section twenty-seven, township twenty-two north, range iifg—'rive west; lot four, southeast quarter, and south half of the sou west quarter of section twenty-erght, said township and range; the southeast uarter of the southeast quarter of section twentyjmne sa1d townglii and range; the east half of the east half of section thirty- two, saig township and range; and the north half, southwest quarter, north half of the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-three, township twenty-two north, range iift -five, all west of the Sixth Principal} endian m the State of N ebrasha, and that the boundaries of the said Scotts Bluif N atronal Monulrneni} are as shown on the diagram hereto attached and made a art ereo . ,,§,;‘§,§$f'§‘§,_”°'“ ’°" P is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to appro- . prrate or injure any natural feature of this Monument, or to occupy, iaxploit, settle or locate upon any of the lands reserved by this proc- __ amation. pE%'“$¥°t?,°§5§’Zj The Director of the National Park Service, under the direction of

  • "§§,@€°5,,5_ the Secretary of the Interior, shall have the supervision, management

and control of this Monument, as provided m the Act of Congress entitled "A.n Act to} egtablish a N atgngal lgark Service and for other p oses," a rove t 25, 191 39 tat., 535 . u§ W'ITN%)SS F I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE m the District of Columbia This 12th da of December, in the year of orn· Lord one thousand nine lllundred and nine- [smL.] teen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-fourth. _ Woomzow WILSON By the President: Ronnnr Laxsmo, Secretary of State.

 BY 'rnn Prznsmmvr or mn Umrnn S·rA·rr:s or Amnmca

A PROCLAMATION `Shenandoah Na- $’9¤_»}Lr¤ra¤, vests WHEREAS, by proclamation of May sivteenth, nineteen hundred ijmistn. __ and_erghteen, there were reserved and set apart as the Shenandoah Q,g{;gg;g;gé1?· N atronal F crest certain lands within the States of Virginia and West Virginia, acqinred by the United States imder authority of the Act of ongress approved March first, nineteen hundred and eleven (36 Stat., 961), entitled "An Act To enable an State to coo crate with any_other State or States, or with the United States, gr the protection of the watersheds of navigable streams, and to appoint a commission for the acquisition of lands for the purpose of conserving the navigabilrty of navigable rivers" ; and \:lVH]g1Fl£AS, certain additional lands in the vicinity of the said r ation orest and within the said States have been or may hereafter