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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/362

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1786 PROCLAMATIONS, 1920. IN WI'l'NES_Sf I havebhegehuiictg set my hand and caused th `alo th ni tates to e . DONE insthe Dist1?ict of Columbia this day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand mne hundred and twenty, [sun,.] a;.1ndd¢;gdthedI;1depe—;_1dence of the United States the one rt .· . lm an 0 y Woonnow WIIAON By the President: Ronmrr Lmsme Secretary of State.

 Br rim Pmsmmxr or rim Umrnn Sums or Aimmca

A PROCLAMATION ,,,£§,°.,‘i"l R°"'°‘d WHEREAS, it is provided in Section 4 of the Act of Congress §,;,••j¤;>'•~m ipprolyed Novemlieru19,I191;9%;1e§tit1ed,f"An Act to Provide for th;

 eimmsemento e ni ttes mt' owr ,

other 1'll.6I1$ ordered for railrohds mill sygtdhiis of tsanscmiiiatildn _ under eral control and for other purposes", that the Pgesident may exeeutg any of the powers therein granted through such agencnes as e ma 3tGl'I[\1D8‘ » ¤.t*?.¥.»*‘“;'§°‘&*°f..,% N0w,i*1m11nroiz1¤:_, 1, weoamw w¤1m,rmaamt of as Umm gg¤°?;n*:n,°'§{f°q':,*i;_ States, under by virtue of the powers and authority vested in mngngcwnrmmu cu- me by law the Federal control of railroads and §stems of 4;;.,,.1m mn,fa;'1H under said Act g gpyilroveil ovember an o were me ere an i t't te anil appoint Walkei?0 D. Hines, Director General) ogrliiayiligidlclsj ihy agency for the purpose of executing, and authorize and em wer hun to execute, an and all of the powers granted to me blyothe

 Act of November 19, 1919, either personally or through such

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d1vm1t¢Lns,_a·gdent»:>)1es, or pgrsons, ag Tully all respects as the l,’r(iasillliz(i1t nsau onz execu an an said pow rs. e se 0 e m a e . · .,‘Nsd'¥1‘T"‘E1SSf ¥§“1"§‘t$‘.i*3‘§t‘J.;°‘{: é‘°‘;%&’i,‘3 *’°‘ my M md Done this 12th day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nme and twenty, and of the Inde endence [SEAL.] of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-fourth. _ Woomzow Wn.s0N By the President: R0m:m· Lausmc Secretary of

 Br rnu Pnrzsmmvr or rm; Uxrmn Surms or Amzmca.

A PROCLAMATION. Hawaianlslands. . Pmmma section ni.nety-one of the Act of Co gd VOL 3], IL m, April th.11£t1et§11, nineteen hundred, entitled "Au Act tbgNi·?>Svi?li)¤li1,r(é·`;>v- Weam) M7 ort eTemtory of Hawau (31 Stat., 141—159§, as amended · - y sec ion seven of the Act approved Ma twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and_ten (3§ Stat., 443, 447), authorizin the transfer of the title to certam public property ceded and transgarred to the United