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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/375

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0. 1798 PROCLAMATIONS, 192 __§=¤¤ 1*-*** Br rim Pansmsm or rmt Uurrnn Srryms or Aumzma A PROCLAMATION » .¤ EAS ‘ ‘ ‘ h Sttas {G 8.11dTODDOS· Fgtffizlis WHER ’ canal; lmagicmgu tuiirgdaby tl)1eU61iirt€%l3Sb8b6S\md6T ~‘?*·'i‘¥?’t‘~·— “‘1l‘“‘°”°§?¥§§“?i’L» if? cmassmtpprove Much Het ¤i¤¤¤>¤¤ liu d(i·IeIdtyand eleven (36 Stat. 961), entitled "An Act To enable any Slmte to coo rate with any other State or States, or with the United Stztes for {lie protection of the watersheds of navigable streams, and to appoint a commission for the acqfuisition lo? lands for the ‘ bil`t e rivers"; an " “?€'Zf,‘,i%Ji"1h'§2`I‘i?§pJpic°g0£3`Y.$.fi tt promoted by reserving and setting apart said lands as a public forest} ixservggon, h h been d8Slglr ated by the Secretary o gnc ure gsP(l.£e6C·lieli·1§ke:vNationd Forest; _ . N•‘@""“ *`°‘°“‘· NOW THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON,_Pres1dent of the G°$»ii$s?i»‘iT•63-i¤*°w` United States of America, by virture of the power 111 me vested by V""°°’*""°°‘ section eleven of tarzgt land by szcntgonmtgegn-tg§0H;D§§;g¤‘$>;· R11 1 (§ctM'I"bc repeal Itiinlier-culture laws and for other purposes", do reclaim that there are hereby reserved and set apart as a public ibrest reservation all of said lands within the area shown as the Cherokee National Forest onlthe disilgram attigcgeill herego and made h f, dthtall dt 'wc ave eenormay hei·)$iter6b(:)acg:ired by the alllniitedgzixntes under authority of said Act of March £1st,_nineteen hundred and eleven, shall be permanently reserved and adm1mstered as Fpart of th; Cherokee Nation;.] Flloresti IN WITNESS WYHEREO , I have ereunto set my an an d th al f the United States to be affixed. CMSCNE insihe (l)istrict of Columbia this 14th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty, [snap.] and of thedlrtidepepdenrile of the United States the one h d ed rt - t . un r an 0 y our Woomzow Wmsos By tlée President :00 Armmmem LBY Secretary of State. g __Jynyj,;m. Br rum Pamsmrmr or THE UNITED Stems or Ammarca. A PROCLAMATION

  • ’¤>¢<¤=¢*·¤¤ ··*¤¤¤=¤- WHEREAS, The Secretary of Agriculture, pursuant to the au-

‘§2.‘§...“§a..m thority contained in Section tlu·ee of the Migratoiiy Bird Treaty Act v§};§;},’jmg_ (40 Stat., 755), has submitted to me for approva Regulations, fur- Am:. p- 17% ther amendisutogytgf gis Regulations aplplrovedhmddpmclainggd J ully 31, 1918, W c e ecretary 0 Agric ture termm` to suitable amendatory Regulations permitting aainda governing th; hunting, taking, capture, killing, dpossession, sale, {purchase, shipment, transportation, carriage, an export of said 1rds and parts glrvireof and their nests and eggs, which said amendments are as o ows: