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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/378

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1800 PBOCLAMATIONS, 1a20. have the name and address of the shipper and of the consignee and an accurate statement of the numbers and krnds.of buds contained therein clearly and conspicuously marked on the outs1de_ thereof; but no such birds shall be transported from any State, Fferrrtory, or Drstrict to or through another State, Territory ~ or District, or to or through a Province of the Dominion of Canada contrary to the laws of the State, Territory, or District, or Province of the Domimon of Canada in which they were taken or wlnch they are transported ; nor shall any such birds be transported into any State, Terntory, or District from another State, Territory, or District, or from any State, Territory, or District into any Province of !;h8·D0mm10D of Canada at a time when such State, Territory, or District, or Province of the Dominion of Canada prohibits the possession or transportation thereof.


MIGRATORY WATERFOWL. Regilation 8, paragraph 2, is amended so as to read as follows: °,S°'p*} 2. person authorized by a permit_issued by the Secretary may under permit. possess, bu , sell, and transport migratory Vfut6I’.foWl an l>lZl6l1' ..X3°La°3L°°‘m°'l”* mcrewe and eggs in any mapslfervand at any;ht11r{)¢;rf1¢;rt[;‘1i{opagat:1ng urposes;andmrgra` to wa o,excet e' enuner iiaragraph 1 of this regrlilation, may be killed by hinrat an time, in any manner, except t they may be killed by shoot? on? during the open season for waterfowl in the State where , ang the carcasses, with heads and feet attached thereto, of the birds so killed may be sold and transported by him in any manner and at any time to any person for actual consumption, or to the keeper of a hotel, restaurant, or boarding house, retail dealer in meat or game, or a club, for sale or service to their patrons, who may possess such _ _ carcasses for actual consumption without a permit, but no migratory I‘*°""“""°“· waterfowl killed ply shooting shall be bought or sold unless each bird before attaining e age of our weeks shall have had removed from the web of one foot a portion thereof in the form of a "V" lar e enough to make a permanent well—defined mark which shall be sué- ¤¤¤;¤_;*¤¤¤s¤ v¤¤¤¤¢$ cient to identify it as a bird raised in domestication under a permit. H 46, p. ms, re Regulation 11 is hereby repealed. Légrintcam mmm- Regulation 12 is hereby renumbered Regulation 11. °dv»¤j4o,p.nae¤,¤me¤a- NOW THEREFORE, I WOODROW WILSON, PRESIDENT _r,,,,,,,,,, 0, mw, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DO HEREBY AP- “*"”· PROVE AND PROCLAIM the foregoing amendatory regulations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set m hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be afigxed. l DONE in the District of Columbia, this ninth day of Jul , in the ygvar of our Lord One Thousand N ine Hundled and [san,.] enty and of the Independence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Forty§Fifth. oonrzow r By the President: WILSON Nonuax H. Davis Acting Secretary of State. ...£.".E2;l“.'E‘L_ Br rm: Pnnsronm or rms: Umrnn Srnrzs or Ammuca, A PROCLAMATION : $,,,,,_,,,‘“""“,,,,§{‘“"* WQHEREAS, Section 4 of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act To provide for the openmg, mamtenance, protection and operation of the anama Canal. and the samtatron and government of the Canal Zone",