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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/381

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A¤¤¤¤¢4.¤¤¤· BY um Pusmmm or rm: Umrmm Srrarns or Ammuoa


‘ My Fellow·3ountrymen: _ _ ym;g‘·¤fg_°' “*• ’“· December 21 next will mark the Tercentenariy of the landing of the 4m,p.¤•s. Pilgrims at Plymouth in 1620. The_day wil be becoming cele- — brated at Plymouth under the auspices of the Plymouth ilgrim Tercentenary Commission, and at other localities in Massachusetts. While this is roper and praiseworthy, it seems to me that the influences which the ideals and principles of the Pilgmrns with_respect . to civil liberty and human rights have had upon e formation and growth of our institutions and upon our develofpment and progress as a nation merit more than a local expression o our obligation, and _ Db malkehiiltgting a natiomwige observadnce to; the da5;.D b b · wm”°°‘”“”°“*”g,° the re s t an uest at e 21st 0 ecem er next e ¤·*vg?:·£'$1?'¤‘¤¤:' observed lihro t therlllnion with special patriotic services in mw order that the great events in American history that have resulted from the' landing of these hardy and courageous navigators and colonists may be accentuated to the present generation o American citizens. Esplecially do I recommend that the day be iittingly observed in the umversities, colleges, and schools of our country to the end that salutary and patriotic lessons may be drawn from the fortitude and perseverance and the ideals of this little band of sturdy men and women who established on this continent the first so - determined government based on the great principle of just law and its equal application to all, and thus planted the seed from which as s a m1gh' t nation.

I1 WEEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. DONE in the District of Columbia this 4th day of August in the year of our_Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty, [sian.,] and of the mddggendence of the United States of America the one hun and forty-fifth. W oo W By the President: ‘ DBOW HAON Baxxmunon Comr

Secretary of State.

September 7, 1920.
By the President of the United States of America


Fire Prevention Day
WHEREAS, the destruction by fires in the United States involves an annual loss of life of 15,000 men, women and children, and over $250,000,000 in buildings, food stuffs and other created resources, and

Whereas, the need of the civilized world for American products to replace the ravages of the great war is especially great at this time, and

Whereas, the present serious shortage of home and business structures makes the daily destruction of buildings by fire an especially serious matter, and

Whereas, a large percentage of the fires causing the annual American fire waste may be easily prevented by increased care and vigilance on the part of citizens:

Designating October 9, 1920, to be observed as. Therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, do urge upon the Governors of the various States to designate and