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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/391

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1810 PROCLAMATION S, 1920. Nwmmulw- Br rrm Pnnsmam or um Um·rm> Sdwrms or- Aunmca. A PROCLAMATION Florida National ‘ · ‘ ‘ , WHEREAS, it a ears that the public ood will be roinoted by F‘:,‘§“§,,°;g,,d ad certain landgllo the Florida I\lation%1l Forest, inllijlorida; i IQFISIV, THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSQN, President of the um United States of America, b virtue of the [power in me vested by the V°L w' p' Act of Congress approved Myarch third, eig teen hundred and ninety- V , 30 3, one (26 Stat., 1095ii entitled, "A.n Act To repeal timber-culture laws, ° ’P` and for other purposes," and also by_ the Act of Congress approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seyen (30 tat., 11 at_3j1 and 36), entitled, "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil ex eases of the Government for the fiscal year ending June tlurtieth, eigllxteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes," do proclaim that the boundaries of the Florida National Forest are hereby enlarged to include the areas indicated as additions upon the diagram hereto annexed and forming a part h6I'60f.• ..§.§“;,.,%°°—""**‘*"“°‘ The wahamwai made t as pmiemseen asu, as to all imag which are at this- date legnllgr appropriated under the (public land laws or reserved for any ubhc plurpose, e subject to, an _ shall not mter— fere with or defeat l£Ea\ rig ts under such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such pub c purpose of lands so reserved, so long as such pppropriation is egally maintained, or such reservation remams m orce. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereimto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be adixed. · · Done in the District of Columbia this twenty-fifth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [sun,.] twenty, and of the Inde endence of the United States the one hundred and forty—d)ftl1. Woonnow WHJSON By the President: Bammunon Cornr Secretary of State. i’;‘°.i".£'2°‘£L”$L Br run Pnssmmvr or rm: U1~:rrm> Srarns or Aunmca A PROCLAMATION

   it is provided by the Act of Congress of March 4,

V¤¤-up- M5- 1909, entitled "An Act to Amend and Consolidate the Acts Respecting Copyright/’ that the provisions of Section 1 (e) of said Act, "so far as they secure copyright controlling the arts of instruments serving to reproduce mechanically the musical) work, shall include only compositions published and co yrighted after this Act goes into effect, an shall not include the worlgs olg a fore' author or composer imlessthe foreign state or nation of which suiiin author or composer is a citizen or subject grants, either b treaty, convention agreement, or law, to citizens of the United Sltates similar rights"; I AND WHEREAS it is further provided that the copyright secured by the Act shall extend to the work of an author or proprietor who is a citizen or subject of a foreign state or nation, only upon VoL35,p.107'l. certain conditions set forth in section 8 of said Act, to wit; (a) When an alien author or roprietor shall be domiciled within the United States at_ the time ofp the first publication of his work· or _(b) When the foreign state or nation of which such author or proprietor is a citizen or subiect grants, either by treaty, convention,