ISI4 PBOCLAMATIONS, 1921. tion en below, taking as a reference map for such purpose Depaglzvrnent of Interior map of Porto Rico, approved by Lawrence Graham, Commissioner, in November 1909, on which are . shown all federal and insular reserves as well asrprivate property, corres ndjng to the district of Puerta;de erra, a more ‘ particular dllelicmiption of the centerline of said proposed boulevm-d‘bei£¤gasfo cwsf ‘ ‘ [ .°•=¤*v**¤¤· . 1. Starting at a point on·the east boundary of Norzagaray - Street in its mtmec ion with Salvador Bran Street, thence along `· a tangent S. 82° 38’ E. from station 0, to station 10 plus 5.02 ‘meters, (the statipns being 20‘meters apart and the odd numbers omitted), a distance ·o 105.02 meters; _ ` ‘ · 2. Thencesiong ei 17° 28' curve, of a radius of t00 meters, to l the left to station 14 plus 0.22 meters, a distance of 35.20 meters; 3. Tlrencealong a tangent N. 77° l2' E. from station 14 plus _` 0.22‘meters to station 56 plus 19L86 meters, a distance of 439.64 ` meters; _ " ‘ · ‘· ` ' 4. Theme along a ’7°`36’ curve to the right, of a radius of 230 meters, to a station 62 plus 8.50 meters, a distance of 48.64 meters; _ 5. Thence along a tangent N. 89° 19' E. from station 62 plus 8.50 meters, to station 84 plus 3.17 meters, a distance of 214.67 meters; , ` 6. Thence along a 5° 49' curve to the right, of a radius of 300 meters to station 100 plus 9.59 meters, a distance of 166.42 meters; 7. Thence along a tangent S. 58° 54’ E. from station 199 plus 9.50 meters, to station 116 plus 6.53 meters, a distance of 156.94 meters; 8. Thence along a 5° 0’ 49" curve to the left, of a radius of 300 meters, to station 124 plus 19.21 meters, a distance of 92.68 meters; 9. Thenee along a tangent S. 76° 36’ E. from station 124 plus 19.21 meters, to station 146 plus 18.16 meters, a distance of 218.95 meters; 10. Thence along a 8° 44’ curve to the left, of a radius of 200 meters, to station 152 plus 7.38 meters, a distance of 49.22 meters; ll. Thence along_a tangent N. 89° 18’ E. from station 152 plus 7.3*88 meters, to station 168 plus 9.51 meters, a distance of 162.13 me rs; 12. Thence along a 11° 38' curve to the left, of a radius of 150 meters, to station 170 plus·3.73 meters, a distance of 14.22 meters; 13. Thence alonga tangent No. 83° 52’ E. from station 170 plus 3,';:ge;ieters, to station 184 plus 6.07 meters, a distance of 142.34 H1 2 14. Thence alo a 5° 49’ curve to th ht, f di 300 meters, to staitim 196 plus 2.83 mete1·(;.,rdg‘distzl)ncé; li? lllgflll meters; 15. Thenee alonga tangent S. 73° 50' E. from t f 196 I §i;€Gr;etei·s, to station 226 plus 17.07 meters, a digtgrfdeuof 31%;.21: 16. 'l`hence alo a 17° 28' curve to th ht f· ‘ guoggrpteis, to stallion 232 plus 13.25 metegsflg dist)a.n?:er:ll151(§.l)8F 17. 'l’hence along a tangent S. 41° 39’ E. f t f · gtgéiéneters, to station 282 plus 9.46 metersf;1:li;t;n%)enoi3¢f9li)l2ll
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