PROCLAMATIONS, 1921. 1815 18. Thence along a 8° 20' curve to the right, of a radius of 210 meters, to station 294 plus 18.72 meters, a distance of 129.26 meters, the last named station being the point where the new avenue meets the existing road 49 meters west of the entrance to San Antonio Bridge, the total len th being 2,958.72 meters. Thetransfer of the lands above described is made subject to the §°"‘““"'“ “ '° '° condition that the road or highway shall be so located that the ed e ca m` of same passing the north tower of the naval radio station shall ge at least fteen feet distant from the nearest le of that tower and shall be so constructed as not to interfere with tghe use of the target range or necessitate the removal or abandonment of any ermanent structure on said reservations and in the event that said rands shall cease to be used as a public road or boulevard or devoted to any gtlhpr than highway purposes the same shall revert to the United a es. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE in the District of Columbia this 14th da of February, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundredy and twenty-one, [sam.,] and of the Indggendence of the United States of America the one hundr and forty-fifth. Woonnow Wnsou By the President: Bnxnnmcn Couxr Secretary of State. BY rm: Pnnsmmvr or mn Unrrnn STATES or Aisrnnroa. A PROCLAMATION. 'WIHBREAS, it ap ears that certain lands immediately heretofore ,,,,,°"§_ §§§‘f"‘“‘ F"` embraced in the Gills;. National Forest, in New Mexico, should be 1’*¤¤¤'*¤· transferred to and made a part of the Datil National Forest, and that certain lands heretofore forming part of the Datil Forest should be transferred to the Gila Forest; AND WHEREAS, it ap ears that the public gpod will be promoted by excludi certain Binds from the said Gila orest and restoring the public lanX£ sub`ect to such disposition therein in the manner Am ) m authorized by Public iftesolution Number 'I\venty-nine approved ’°` ° Februarv fourteenth, nineteen hundred and twentv; NOW': THEREFORE, I, WOODR()W WILSON, President of the $ZiY`i<ii‘fiiii»»`il‘ United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of (,‘on ess approved June fourth eighteen hundred and ninety- seven (30 §at., 11 at 34 and 36), entitled, "An Act Making agépropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the cal vear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and lor other urposes", do proc aim that the boundaries of the ·GlI8 National lyorest are hereby changed and that they are now as indicated upon the diagram hereto amiexed and forming a (part hereof; PM P lm and that this proclamation and that changing the boun aries of the ’ ' Datil Forest, which I have also signed this same day, are made and are intended to be and shall be considered as one act to become effective simultaneously. EX_,,,,,,,d hm And I do further proclaim and make known that pursuant to the gpexgw ¤¤_s¤rv§;:¤0$ aforesaid Public Resolution, it is hereby ordered that the public lands vtyaii wu me sa in the excluded areas, sub`ect to valid rights, shall be lo-Eened only to d°F‘· entry under the homestead and desert land laws by (pus. ed ex—service men of the War with Germany, under the terms an conditions of said
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