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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/415

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INDEX. _ 1833 Anderson, _Walker, Page. Animals (see also Cattle), Page. PGBSWD ¤1Q!`9?·B€<1 --·------ · ...·...--. 1549 appropriation for inspection, etc., of im- Amimgm, Wdlwm A· (wu), ported ---------.--.---..--. 239,6%,1318 pensmn . ... 1556 for tuberculin and mallein testing ... 239, Andrews, Horace V., 698, 1318 P6!-151011 ---· · ... 1547 Animals, Dovrwmb, Andrezqs, Jerry B., appropriation for investigating, etc., vipension increased 1536 ruses for treatment of ... 240, 700, 1320 Andreugs, Mmnu: May (daughtér), for study of insects affecting health of. . 256, pension, ,`, ,,_,..,,, , ,..,... 1576 715, 1334 Angeles J\[at1pnal Forest, Calf, for rotecting, from rabies ... 257, 716, 1335 appropriation for mamtuenance, etc., of 248, Annapolis, Md. (see Naval Academ ). 707, 1326 Annuities to Clasmifzd Civil Service Elinployus, Animal By Products, provisions foijgrantzing, on retirement for appropriation for diffusing commercial in- $39 QF d1¤$b11{tY ··----·--· q -------- 614 iormatjgu of market prices, djsujbu- Amchittz, Remhard, alms Charles Reinhard, tion, etc., of ,,,____,,,,,,.,. 265, 724,1342 p¤¤¤w¤ mmaséd ----··--·---····------ ·· 1536 Animal .D'l8€(1888,f A1;;l;';%h€g§l°"° M1 ‘· 1535 appropriation or su preming, etc., among ‘. ‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘·‘‘‘·· { live stool; or ., é ,3, 414, gg A’;;*;;·i&é;1E"¤ H- (aww), 157,) or investigating, etc ______ _ ,,._ , 40, 700, · ’’`’' ·' I ’‘'‘' ° '`’ " for meeting foot. and mouth, etc-. 269, 728, 1345 A°:i”°g°'fu° CWI C°m"1"3‘m* { ml . d Animal Husbandry, e c1e:;·y xggropria on or aries an 1015 ¤1>pr¤p¤¤t;¤<>¤f¤rf<>¢d1¤s wd b¤=<><i¤¤s <¤— Anthracite ga: Manny, P€¤m°¤tS ······--·--·--··- 241% 69*% 1319 proclamation appomting commission to Animal Industry Bureau, Department of Agri- decide wage differences, etc 1796 culture, Antahircrajl Gum, appropriation for chief, clerks, etc- - 238, 697, 1317 balances of appropriation of ammunition or generalexpenses . 238, 697, 1317 for, covered in for 1917-1919 1353 for inspection and quarantine work . 238, Antiezam Battlefield, Md., 697, 1318 appropriation for repairs, preservation, etc. 184, sheep scabies, etc . 239, 698, 1318 895, 1386 for investigating, etc., tuberculosis of for superintendent .. 184, 895, 1386 animals . 239, 698, 1318 Antiseptic Preparations, indemnities for destroyed animals . 239, unfit for beverages, not subject to Consti- 698, 1318 tutional prohibition provisions .. 309 shipments permitted 239, 699 conditions; permits, etc., required .. 309 for eradicating southern cattle ticks; Antizoxins, etc., demonstration work . 240, 699, 1319 appropriation for investigating animal . 240, limitation on expenditures 240, 699, 1319 700, 1320 for dairy investigations, etc.; renovated Antitrust Act, 1890, butter inspection ... 240, 699, 1319 deportation of undesirable aliens, confor animal husbandry experiments ... 240, victed of violating provisions of, in 699, 1319 aid of European belligerents between animal feedingand breeding. . . 240, 699, 1319 August 1, 1914, and April G, 1917 . .. 594 breeding horses for military purposes 240, 699 readmission prohibited . . 594 poultry feedingand breeding. . 240,699, 1319 Anli1ru.vL .4:-t, 1.914, sheep experiment station. Idaho .. 240, interlocking directorate prohibition not 099, 1319 applicable to service in two other for animal diseases investigations ... 240, banks, by private bankers. or officcrs ' 700, 1310 of Fedora reserve member banks, contagious abortion of animals . 240, 700, 1320 ctc. .. 626 for investigating, treating, etc., hog consent. of Federal Reserve Board recholera . 240, 700, 1320 quired .. _. . . 626 regulating trallic in animal viruses, prohibition in, against officers of camers etc 240, 700, 1320 having interest in purchases thereof. methods of prevention, etc 241, 700, 1320 deferred to January 1, 1921 . , . . . 499 for eradication, etc., of dourine. . 241, 700, 1320 applicable to corporations organized for administrative work . 241, 700, 1320 since January 12, 1918 . 499 for meat inspection, additional. . 241, 700, 1320 Antz`tru,st Laws. _ regualtions, etc., extended to horse appropriation for expenses enforcing .. 205. meat ... . 241, 700, 1320 _ 922,1411 deficiency appropriation for meat inspec- use forbidden for prosecuting labor tion ,.,,,,,. 62, 346, 1187, 1192 organizations, etc ... 208. 922, 1411 for general expenses 64, association of farmers. etc . 208, 922, 1411 66, 346, 524, 1043, 1187, 1192 deficiency appropriation for expenses enfor J. W. Harreld .. 1033 i forcing . ... f 336 employees allowed for overtime work in use forbidden for prosecuting labor establishments subject to meat in- orézanizations. etc., except of public _ spection Act . . . . 241 0 OEIS .~--- - .···--- 33¤ Animal Products, _ agociations of farmers, etc t .: . 336 appropriation for diffusing commercial in- consolidation of earners under egronsions of formation of market prices. distnbu- Transportatmn Act, r eved from _ tion, etc., of 265, 724, 13-12 operation of ... 452