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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1064

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1036 SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cue. 423, 424. 1922. same pay as officers and enlisted men of the corresponding grades_ in the Regula.r Army) may be accepted as service m 1eu of such drills when so provided by the Secretary of War. _ _r2,{Sb1$“,§Z},°‘]§E,’§,:}·Z "All amounts appropriated for the dpurpose of this and the last m°¤*l¤¤m°"Y· preceding section s all e disbursed an accounted for by the officers and agents of the Finance Department of the Army, and all disbnusements imder the foregoing provisions of this section shall be made as soon as practicable after the 31st of March, the 30th day of June, the 30th day of September, and the 31st_ day of December of each year upon pay rolls prepared and authenticated m the manner §'§’,'f‘,;'§g;,,, I0, 1,,,,, to be prescribed by the Secretary of War: Prmrwd, That stgppagw °t°·,P’°P°’*Y may be made against the compensation payable to any officer or enhsted man hereunder to cover the cost of publi;groperty lost or _ destroyed by and chargable to such officer or enlis man. ,,,§“m°°‘°'§,,,i,“,,,{’2,{',Z "Except as otherwise specifically provided herein no money g§fgL¤· if mr •¤° °* xpropriateg nmder the provisions ofhthis or thas last pregding section ’ e ai to any person not on the active ° t, nor any on over sixtly-four years of age, nor to any person who shall fail to Ptiigify as to fitness for military service under such regiilations as theqSecretary of War shall prescribe, nor to any State, erritory, or District or officer or enlisted man in the National Guard thereof unless and until such State, Territory, or District rovides by law that staff oflicers, including officers of the Finance, n, Quartermaster, and Medical Departments hereafter appoin shall have had previous military experience and hold their positions until they shall have reached the age of sixty-fourgiears, unless retired prior to that time by mason of resignation, disab` `t , or for cause to be determined by a court-martial egally convened, for that pm·pose, and that vacancies among said officers shall be filled by appointment from the officers of the militia of such State, Territory, or District." Approved, September 22, 1922. $°!i*§'¤g°'6§b§°22· CHAP. 424.-An Act For the inclusion of certain in Wenatchee National

 §&rgt5ft$$ !$ xggmggw, and the Snoqualmie National Forest, all in the

. Be·it enactedby¢heSen,ateandHouaeo Re eeenxativeso t}wUmZted _iiiiii°;`¤i,i.i°r4°litsis¤es States of Amenha in Congress assembled, Tgt within th; following §,§,’,§gg§,f{’,}$,@,§“,,§3f described areas any lands not in Government ownership which are found by the Secretary of Agriculture to be chiefly valuable for Am P 465 national-forestlpurposes may be offered in excha e under the pro- ' ° visions of the ct of March 20, 1922 (Public, 17%, upon notice as therem provided and ripon acceptance of title shall become parts of the Wenatchee Nation Forest, the Olympic National Forest and the Snoqualmie National Forest, respectively, and any of such described areas in Government ownership chiefly valuable for nationarforest pugioses and not now of any national forest may be added to wmwbw Nmml said national forests as erem provided by reclamation of the Presi— Forest, wasn. . dent, subject to all valid exist' entries: Tii the Wenatchee National D°“°”p“°“· Forest,_ township twenty mx, range thirteen east, west half of township and sections one, three, ten, south half of fourteen, fifteen, twenty-two, twentéythree, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, thirty-four, thirty—_ ve, and thirty-six; township twenty north, range fourteen east, sections one, three, four, five, six, seven, eigtlliit, nine, ten,_ fifteen, sixteen, south half of section twen -nine, sou half of section thirty, sections thirt -one, thirty-two, antd thirty-three ; town- Slup tyventynorth, range fifteen east, sections two, three, four, five, six, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen; · township twenty-one north, range fifteen east, sections twelve, thir-