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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/658

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630 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 212. 1922. their retired pay computed as now authorized by law on the basis of gay provided m this Act. Gig? ¤¤¤ 0¤¤¤¢ Ec. 10. That on and after Jul; 1, 1922, the monthly base pay of nw; pay et warrant warrant officers of the Navy an Coast Guard shall be as follows: §’,,"§,§‘f” md °"“"°‘ the first six years o serviee—at sea, $153; on shore, $135; during the second six years of serv1ce—at sea, $168; on shore, $147; after twelve years' service-—at sea, $189- on shore, $168. On and after July 1, 1922, for (purposes of pay, enlisted men of the Navy and Coast Guard shsnlllpe 'stiibuted 13 seven grades, gvith monthly base rates 0 pay as o ows: irst gra e $126- seeon ad $84; third grade, $72; fourth grade, $60; Eftli gradh, $54; sliithegrade, $36; cmeipmyemem. seventh grade, $21. Chief pett officers nmder acting a pointment shall be included in the first gnade at a monthly base paypof $99. m;’;§¢i¤s$ of ¤¤¤¤¢¤¢ That the Secretary of the_ avy is authorized to fix the pay grade for the various ratmgs of enhsted men of the Navy; and the Secretary Mmg of the Treasury IS authorized to fix the ay ade for the various Hm Nml Reserve ratings of enlisted men of the Coast Guard: lgzites shall receive the pay, pay cg lpnlistedhnlen of the iirstdgradehof the N avg. Nothing con- 81116 erem s operate to re uce the pay now e' received b ctgxzeviw pay in- any transferred member of the Fleet Naval Reserve. n lieu of ag pprmanent additions to pay now authorized for enlisted men of the avy and Coast Guard, they shall receive, as a permanent addition to their pay, an increase of 10 per centum on the base pay of their rating upon completion of the first four years of enlisted service, and Tmglm mmm an a ditional increase of 5 per centum for each four years’ service ,,,,,,,7 qying 8,,,,,..; thereafter, the total not to exceed 25 er centum. All transient ’°¥;F:$;_633_ add1tions toalpay of enlisted men of the Navy and Coast Guard are _ hereby repe ed, except as provided for in section 21 of this Act. N”"Y*¤$¤*”‘°*°°· The rates of pay of the insular force of the Navy shall be 0ne—half _ the rates of pay prescribed for enlisted men of the Navy in corre— m§;’.‘§'*’“"°°°‘ 8*** npogglinig (natmgs. f g1x1s1tImglawsda1(§th0n;*in}mg aireenliptmlent gratnit; e_meno ee avyan oas uar ar , and an enlistment allowance equal to $50 multi liied (lf; €l1d·€i1p1i}1i1lier plimyanrs serxged; m ith; enl1st1(ngr5t6(peri§>;luf£om wgiich he has last been _ rged, u_ no excee s e ai t h bl dzscharged enlisted man of the first three graldes wliocgiglisgsngwfilmh Esperio t pf] three m0ntil§s5fro`11ntth1n gage ohhis discharge; and an en- _ men owanceo_ m ipe tenumb f in the enlistment period from which he has lastebénydidghghd but not to exceed $100, shall be paid to every honorably disch ed Mmm nlnlrxsted mei; of thehotléer grades who reenlists within a peri?>?of Y- · ee mont rom the ate of his discha e. On d ft Jul 1 %}92i2',rre;t1re1d enlisted mpni of the Navi Criiarld sliall hive e eire aycom ue asnowaut h ' SUl)SlSt6HC9 Bhd thisykctt. m f h y aw. On t 6 basls rentglallowanees. • _ · wa-ITKD _0 CBYS 0 t 9 lllcllldlll th f (gh “ ”'*¤*°¤*¢¤¤· érmy Mme Planter Servicehof the Navy, Mixrine Corgs, ::3 gjoasz ligfdt, shall be entged_ag;da_ times to the same money allowance for su isenceasisau onz insection5 fthi Atf Hi `.. mm mm nzgttlie pay gtthe first penlpda ¤r&d_ to tlie saule ximoiigyoaubiisagigefgr · ena._o qu ersasisau orize in t' 6fthiA receiving the pay of the first lperiod. Sgfouerdchienlistsiad (ifialgrnlbffsiililif mshed guarters or rations in ind there shall be anted under such regulations as the President may prescribe, an alirwancel for quarters and subs1stence, the value of which shall depend on the conditio under which the duty of the man is bei erformed, and shall niil mm exceed $4 per_ day. _ These regulations be uniform f . _ or all the tiggmmutatiou or ra- SQUHCBS m€¤§i0H€d 111 thé ill; 0 of this Act. Subsistence for pilots sha be paid in accordance with existing regulations and rations for enlisted men may be commuted as now authorized blv law.