SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1922. 659 _ For_ defraying expenses incident to the shipment of supplies, c,§mPPi¤¤ $¤PP**°S» mcluding hardware, oxing, packing, cartage, freight, and the pay of ` employees in connection therewith at the following annual rates: Employees. Storekeeper, $2,650; freight clerk, $2,000; foreman, $1,800; ten requisition fillers, at $1,600 each; two reqligisition fillers at $1,200 each; ten Hpackers, at $1,600 each; two pac ers at $1,200 each; and twlq chau eifrs at %1,40O eaplh; in all, $286,050. or renta , urc ase, exc an e, and re air of cance machines CF*°°°“¤¤»P¤‘“¤b°*· and motors, rfiechanical mail-hindling agiiparatus, andhllgher labor- s8mgmmm°s'm' saving devices, including cost of power in rented buildings, and miscellaneous expenses of installation and 0 eration of same, includin _ salaries of five traveling mechanicians and for per diem allowance 0% cm'E,‘§'°h“‘ m°°h‘““‘ traveling mechanicians while actually traveling on official business away from their homes and their official domiciles at a rate to be fixed by the Postmaster General, not to exceed $4 per day, $376,500: _ Provided, That not exceeding $26,500 of this appropriation shall be §°f,‘}§‘,t‘,g§mg1°,,ud,S_ expended for completin the purchase and installation of one letter- ¢fib¤¢1¤sm¤¤¤i¤¤~ distributing machine, upon test such machine is found by the Postmaster General to be satisfatory and efficient, and for no other ur ose. P Fiir the purchase, manufacture, and re air of mail bags and other Mm “°gs·l°°kS# °*°· mail containers and attachments, mail Ilocks, keys, c ains, tools, machinery, and material necessary for same, and for incidental expenses pertaining thereto; also material, machinery, and tools ibmnecessary or the manufacture and re air in the equipment shops at Washington, District of Columbia, ofp such other equipment for the Postal ervice as may be deemed expedient; for compensation to L“b°'· labor employed in the equipment shops at Washington, District of P , Columbia, $2,150,000: Promded, That out of this appropriation the mumisve eqaig- Postmaster General is authorized to use as much oi) the sum, not §‘§‘gL‘,; ‘}f,{’,°",‘{,‘§,",,,; exceeding $15,000, as may be deemed necessary for the fpurchase of 1·¤¤¤¤®S- material and the manufacture in the equipment shops o such small quantities of distinctive e uipments as may be required by other executive departments; and for service in A aska, Porto Rico, Philip ine Islands, Hawaii, or other island possessions. Iilor inland transportation by star routes (excepting service in ,,,,§'{,‘§,’_’°“*° “"“‘sP°" Alaska), including temporary service to newly established offices, $12,850,000 For pay of rural carriers, substitutes for rural carriers on annual R“"“°°“"°”'· and sic leave, clerks in charge of rural stations, and tolls and ferriage, Rural Delivery Service, and for the incidental expenses thereof, $$6,900,000. For vehicle allowance, the hiring of drivers, the rental of vehicles, w,Y,,_'f,’{,*ff,1,,‘},,c,“l‘§§'c'#“°°· and the purchase and exchange and maintenance, including stable and garage facilities, of wagons or automobiles for, and the operation of, screen-wagon and city delive and collection services, $15,000,000; Provided, That the Postmasterréeneral may, in disbursement of m3m_ this appropriation, apply a part thereof to the leasing of quarters for the housing of Government-owned automobiles at a reasonable annual rental for a not exceeding ten years. _ Tmd ctc For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office ’ ‘ of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, $1,000. P _ _ Sec. 2. That the joint commission authorized under section 6of C§§$€§, ,, the Act a proved April 24, 1920, entitled "An Act making-1 appro- wgfh p_5&,_ priations fdr the service of the Post Office Department for the fiscal ’ year ending June 30, 1921, and for other purposes," is hereby continued until June 30, 1923, to complete the investigation and to pre are a detailed re ort containing a summary of its findings thereof, and) such recommendations as to legislation as it may deem proper: