664 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 233-236. 1922. J1-me 21,19% CHAP. 233.—An Act Authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Ohio
naw near sueubeuvsue one
[Public, No. 249.] ’ ' Ohio Rim UHeeéitSenacte; gy the Senaga and Housinbei/6dR'¢izl>:·esenttatioes of th? _s¤¤ube¤vui¤ and nit tates 0 merzlza in ongress asse at the consent o ggsbmwm BfI,§€° Congress is hereby granted to the Steubenville ahd Pittsburgh Bridge muy. Y , se C d . . . smuenouaomo. ompany, an their successors and assigns, to construct, mamtain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Ohio River, at or near the north city mite of the city of Steubenville, Ohio, q,,,,$m,,,u.,,,_ m accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to ‘°'· 3% P·“· gggulzte the construction of bridges over navigable waters/’ approved arc 23 1906. mg;-,'gf;f°m°¤* md fS1=:cd ,_';Il`hat this Act shgg be pull and void unless the construction 0 said ri ge IS commenc wit in two ears and completed within five years from the date of the approval hereof. amsmimenz. Sec. 3. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, June 21, 1922. ggdliiigvzii CHAP. 284.-An Act_ Granting the consentpf Congress to the county courts of "_*‘_“"*[y,,b;;c,N0_g50_] tli;w§1;;]lSgln1di]S%?171ne Counties, m the State of Missouri, to construct a bridge across GI'. . . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0 the United C iiZi2wiira` wrsgie States of America in Congress assembled, That the consentviif Congress ,,,‘§‘,’;“g,,§;,“g,,,;_ Y is hereby granted to the county courts of Howard and Saline Counties, m the State of Missouri, to construct, maintain, and operate a brid e and approaches thereto across the Missouri River at a point suitabgle to the interests of navigation at or near the city of Glasgow, in the $<g¤S*3;¤¢§¤<§; county of Howard, and State of Missouri, in accordance with the ` ' provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regtilate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved arch 23, 1906. Ammdmw- Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, June 21, 1922.
t CIIA_P.I23é5.-—Joint Resolution To reerect the statue of Abraham Lincoln upon
_[i"uliiRcs.,>N’·>.l»2.T 1 S Onglna S1 €· ml w my V Y Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United vS,;g§g tj], _{’,§};_'},g;;, States of America in Co·ngp·e.<·s assembled, That the Superintendent of g;u(;;;gD3>1;>;gi¥sctu·! l’ublic Buildingsand Grounds of the War Department be, and he isherfby, authorized! and d1rected to_reerect the statue of Abraham mco n approximate upon 1ts original site in front of the Court I House, City of Washingtiin, District of Columbia, upon an appro- —*PP*°P¤¤¤¤¤· priate foundation or pe estal in harmony with the statue. The sum ot_S5,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriatcd out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the expense of the same. Approved, June 21, 1922. iliilerél CH-AP· 236:—An Act Authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to grant a right of generic, xo. :;.‘i,]" Way for 2- public highway to the county of Skagit, Washington. · Be it enactedby tbz Senate and House ry Representatives of the United Wxlezw €¤¤¤¤>‘. States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce is authorized to convey to the county of Skagit, Washington,