SIXTY—SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 249. 1922. 675 DISTRICT or COLUMBIA mrrmrmns ’ COMIPENSATION FUND. s8{§,;';*1¥§§l¥;,*;f**’°°¤P°¤· For caTng out the provisions of section 11 of the District of ,,e§¤Ym°¤*S ‘°’ *¤i¤· Columbia ppropriation Act approved Jul 11, 1919, extending to \fi>1.4i,p. 104. the employees 0 the government of the Eistrict of Columbia. the \°l‘3°’p‘m‘ provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes," approved September 7, 1916, $7,000. Free public library imma PUBLIC Lrnnanr, INCLUDING Takoma rmx AND sorrrnnasr and tmms. nnANcHns. Salaries: Librarian, $4,000; assistant librarian, $2,000; chief, cir- S°““"°°· culating department, $1,760; director of children’s work, $1,600; director of reference work, $1,500; children 's librarian, $1,200; su rvisor of school work, $1,260; librarian’s secretary, $1,200; Taikioma Park branch librarian, $1,200; chiefs of divisions-order and accessions $1,200, industrial $1,200; reference librarian, $1,200; chief, catalogue de artment, $1,400; assistants—one $1,200, one in ch e of periodicals $1,200, eight at $1,000 each, seven (including onzrior the Takoma Park branch) at $900 each, six (including one for Takoma Park branch) at $780 each; copyist, $780; classifier, $1,000; shelf lister, $1,120; cataloguers-—one $960, one $900, two at $780 each; stenographers and typew1iters—one $1,100, one $1,000; attendants»two at $900 each, e even at $780 each· collator, $780; four messengers, at $720 each; ten pages, at $420 each; four janitors, at $720 eac .one of whomshall act as night watchman; janitor of Takoma Park branch, $660; $1 300; Bremen, $720; workman, $600; library guard, $720; two cl0al:room‘attendants, at $360 each; six charwomen, at $240 each; in all, $77,800. · Southeast Branch Library: For salaries in operating the South- S¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢b¤¤¤¤- east Branch Library, $3,500: Provided, That no person shall be em- dj ployed hereunder at a. rate of compensation exceeding $1,200 per ayt °°` annum. For substitutes and other special and temporary service, including S“b‘“'“‘°*·°°°· the conducting of stations in public-school buildings, at the discretion I, . of the librarian, $3,000: Provided, That no money appropriated by i.iiLiifi(iig¢at1¤¤sismthis Act shall be ex ended in conducting library stations not now in “°°· existence, but this limitation shall not apply to public··sch00l buildin? and the Southeast Branch Library. d or extra services on Sundays, holidays, and Saturday half holi- ,n§}*“"“’· °°°·· °¥’°°‘ a ·s, $3 000. iiiscellaneous, including Takoma Park and Southeast branches: °·““°°“*¤°°“$· For books, periodicals, and newspapers, including payment in advance for subscriptions to periodicals, newspapers, subscriptions books, and society publications, $17,500. For binding, including necessa ersonal services, $7,000. Bindinaerc- For maintenance, repairs, fueljgghting, fitting up buildings, lunch- ¤<>¤¤¤:¤¤¢¤¤v<==¤¤¤& room equipment; purchase, exchange, and_mamtenance 0 bicycles and motor delivery vehicles, and other contingent expenses, $12,500. CONTINGENT AND MI OUS EXPENSES. Cvnfineeuterpenses. For printing, checks, books, law books, books of reference, peri- “°m“*’°°"°*“’— odicals, stationery; surve instruments and implernents;,drawing materials; binding, rebinding, repairing, and preservation of records; purchase of laboratory apparatus an equipment and mamtenance of laboratory in the office of the inspector of as(phalt_and cement; damages; livery, purchase, and care of horses an carriages or bug-