SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 249. 1922. 683 For the purchase or condemnation of a piece of groimd to take the place of Co umbia Heights Playground, $25,000; For the maintenance and contigent ex enses of keepin open g,§°,,‘Q°d'@° gm QQ; during the summer months the public—school)playgi·ounds, under the men direction and su ervision of the commissioners; for special and temporary service, tors, assistants, and janitor service during the summer vacation, and, in the larger yards, daily after school ours during the school term, $10,000; _ _ _ In all, for laygrounds, $134,220, to be paid wholly out of the rev- ,§£I,`}il§f'°m D“m°° enues of thell)istrict·of Columbia. runuc convmnnncn STATIONS. For maintenance of public convenience stations, including com- sufigjlljllgc °°¤“*¤*¤¤¤° pensation of necessary employees, $20,000. ` noann ron OONDEKNATION or msamranr Bmwmes. ¥¤S¤¤i==¤Y *>¤¤¤¤¤s==· For all expenses necessary and incident to the enforcement of an p,§§§‘§l°‘“”°°’°” °" Act entitled "An Act to create a board for the condemnation of V°*· 3% P- 157- insanitary buildings in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes," Zpproved May 1, 1906, including personal services when authoriz y the commissioners, $2 ,250. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. ,,,g¤,}:?*m* ~*°¤··** Salaries: Electrical engineer, $2,750; assistant electrical engineer, Mew- $2,000; inspectors-·oue. $1,000, four at $900 each; electrician, $1,200; two draftsmen, at $1,000 each; `four telegraph operators,.at $1,000 each; repairmen—expert $1,200, three at $900 each, one $840; telephone operators——chief $900, four—at·$840 each, one $720, ten at $600 each, one $540; electrical inspectors-one $2,000, one $1,800, one $1,350, four at $1,360 each; assistant electrician, $1,200; clerks-- one $1,400, one $1,200, two at $1,125 each, one $1,050, one $750; assistant repairman, $620; laborers——two at $600 each, two at $540 each; messen er, $630; storekeeper, $875; in all, $55,655. _ For genera? supplies, replairs, new batteries and battery supplies, ,,X§,`§,°§’,l§?Zw“i°°°m‘°°° tele hone rental and purc asc, telephone service charges, wire and cable for extension o telegraph and telephone service, repairs of lines and instruments, purchase of poles tools, insulators, brackets, pins, hardware, cross arms, ice, record hooks, stationery, printing, `very, purchase and repair of bicycles, allowance for the maintenance of not more than three automobiles at not to exceed $26 per month each, blacksmithing, extra labor, new boxes, and other necessary it°i~”S’$i5’p°°`· lass ia 1 an t · Pmgmmr or acmv wires o arm, ce atro , an e one service ,,,md_ ‘ underggoundvin existing conduitsFi)nclu§ing cost of caxes, terminal gr boxes, and posts, connections to and between existing conduits, manholes, handhelds, posts for fire—alarm and police boxes, extra labor, and other necess items, $5,000. _ For extension and ihilbcation of police·patr0l system, including }’°“°° P°“°‘ mm purchase of new boxes, purchase and erection of necessary poles, , cross arms, insulators, pins, braces, wire, cable, conduit connections, posts, extra labor, and other necessary items, $2,000. Lrcirrme: For purchase, installation, and maintenance of public ¤5l==‘¤8 S¤¤¤*$» ¤**= lam , lamp—posts, street designations, lantems, and fixtures of all
on streets, avenues, roads, alleys, and public spaces, and for
all necessary expenses in connection therewith, including rental of R“t“'°°°‘ stables and storerooms, livery and extra labor, this sum to be ex- Vd Epded in accordance with the provisions of sections 7 and 8 of the vufi-ijgliiiii trict of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1912 and