SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 249. 1922. 687 JANITORS AND cans or BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. J¤¤“°*S·°*°· Salaries: Superintendent of janitors, $1,500; engineers and in- S"·*°’*°°· structors in steam engineering—one $1,500, one $1,200; engineers— one $1,500, one $1,200, two at $1,000 each; assistant engineersfour at $1,000 each, one $900; two electricians at $1,200 each; janitors—two at $1,100 each, twenty-th.ree at $1,000 each, one $900, thirty-four at $840 each, one $800, seventy-one at $720 each, thirteen at $600 each, three at $250 each; assistant janitors——-seven at $900 each, two at $720 each; nine firemen at $720 each; gardener, $840; four coal passers at $600 each; five night watchmen at $720 each; one hundred and thirteen laborers at $720 each; eleven matrons at M¤**¤¤=· $6g_0each; figeclgzhrwolgnueln, at$480i each; §nall,$242,;150i or care 0 sm . er. d1I1gS· an rente rooms, in -u ing cooking Sm¤“¤¤b·¤i*¤i¤¤¤¤¤d and manual-training schools, wherever located, at a rate not to exceed mm r°°m` $96 per annum for the care of each schoolroom, other than those occupied by ·atypical or imgraded classes, for which service an amount not to exceed $120 per annum may be allowed, $17,500. MEDICAL INSPECTORS. M¤<1i•¢¤* i¤Si>¢¢¤¤rS· Salaries; Chief medical and sanitary inspector, who shall, under S‘*'““°“* the direction of the health officer of the District of Columbia, give his whole time to, and exercise the direction and control of, the medical inspection and sanitary conditions of the public schools of the District of Columbia, $2,500; sixteen medical inspectors of Diri¤i¤¤· public schools, one of whom shall be a woman, four shall be dentists, and four shall be of the colored race, at $500 each;. in all, $10,500. For ten Ezduate nmses, threeof whom shall be colored, who shall °'“‘“‘°““”°’* act as pub' school nurses, at—$L,200.each,- $12,000. .. - For the maintenance of free dental clinics in the mpublic schools: ,,,,,I’°§,Lf‘,,_,_°*’“""' ‘°" Eight dental operators, at $700 each; four den prophylactic operators, at $900 each; equipment and supplies, $1,000; in all, $10,200. MISCELLANEOUS. ¤ii==<=¤¤¤¤¤¤¤=» For rent of school buildings and grounds, repair shop, storage R°"*·"°‘* ang stock rooms, $1t6,500. { 1 E _ mg t or equipment o tem orar rooms or c asses above the second “§“"’ , °‘“*“‘* grade, now on half timeij ami, to provide for estimated increased my wm, tc` enrollment that may be caused by operation of the compulsory education law, and for purchase of all necessary articles and supplies to be used in the course of instruction which may be provide for atypical and ungraded classes, $4,000. or the maintenance of schools for tubercular pupils, $4,000. T“"°'°"'“'*’“*’“* For equipment and furnishing of schools for tubercular children, $6 000. llor extending the equipment of the Harrison School for tubercular H"'“’°" S°'“’°L children, $6,000. _ _ For repairs and improvements to school buildings and groimds ,,,g°F,,§,§’sg;,,§$,'§,i,_"'“"" and for repairing and renewing heatinv, plumbing, and ventilating apparatus, and installation of sanitary foimtains in building not supplied with same,$250,000. _ _ For purchase and repair of furniture, tools, machinery, material, ‘““"“‘g “‘ and books, and apparatus to be used in connection with instruction gui manual training, and incidental expenses connected therewith, 5,000. For fuel, gas, and electric light and power, $165,000. ,,,}g3*· ¤¤¤*· ·¤¤ For furniture, including clocks, pianos, and window shades for F¤¤i¤¤¤»¢¢~ additions to buildings, equipment for kindergartens, and tools and