SIXTY·SEVENTH corxemass. sms. H. cu. 249. 1922. 691 oomaan DEAF-MUTES. °°l°*¤d dm =¤¤*¤=· For maintenance and tuition of colored deaf—mutes of teachable ,,;‘§°‘°"‘ ‘“‘°°' °°"' age belonging to the District of Columbia, in Maryland, or some other . State, under a contract to be entered into by the commissioners, $4,000: Provided, That all expenditures under this appropriation shall be made under the supervision of the board of education. ` ’ snmp cnunmm. Bum ¤‘*”°¤*¤· For instruction of blind children of the District of Columbia, in c0§1=gr=j1’g¤¤*i°¤ ¤¤d°* Maryland, or some other State, under, a contract to be entered into ` we commissioners, $10,000: Provided, That all expenditures under gLj;j*n*;;sm fB‘;1ppropriation shall be made under the supervision of the board ' 0 ucation. METROPOLITAN rouoia. mesanamms. Major and superintendent, $4,500; two assistant superintendents, SWM- at $3,000 each; three inspectors, at $2,400 each; twelve caiptains, at $2,400 each; chief clerk, who shall also be property cler , $2,400; clerk (who shall be a stenographer), $1,800; two clerks (who shall be stenographers), at $1,500 eac ; clerks-one (who shall be assistant property clerk), $1,200, one $1,200, three at $1,000 each, one $700; our surgeons of the police and tire departments, at $1,600 each; mmm . additional compensation for thirty-five privates detailed for special ° ’°°°` service in and preggitggn of·c1i_ime, $1.6§00; additiotnlg compensa ion _Q¥,_6\1I‘ n· va tj _ ,_or,s _1 S81'V1Q8.111— various precincts for the pliizivention and detéctidlsof crime, at the rate of $120 per annum, $1,680; additional compensation for one inspector or captain and one lieutenant detailed for special service in the detection and prevention of crime, at $400 each; twenty-one lieutenants, one of whom shall be harbor master, at $2,000 each; fifty-six sergeants, one of whom may be detailed for dut in the harbor patrol, at $1,800 each; privates—five hundred anclv fifty of class three at $1,660 each, two hundred and thirty-seven of class two at $1,560 each, forty-two of class one at $1,460 each; amount required to pay salaries of privates of class two who will be promoted to class tlu·ee and privates of class one who will be romoted to class two during the fiscal year 1923, $6,686.36; nine tgephone clerks, at $900 each; eighteen janitors, at $600 each; laborer, $720; messenger, $600;_motor vehicle allowance of $480 to one inspector; thirti-eight captains, lieutenants, sergeants, and privates, mounted on orses at $540 each; motor ve `cle allowance to twenty sergeants, and privates, at $480 each; sixty-four lieut-enants, sergeants, and privates, mounted on bicycles, at $70 each; driver—privates—thirty-six of class two, at $1,560 each; six police matrons, at $720 each; in all, $1,694,- 786.36. NATIONAL BUREAU or cnmman mEN·rmrcA·r1oN. ,,°‘f,'*,‘§,,‘{’_f‘;u_’“°“*‘°°* m'ILo aid in séigportcpf th§N§1tional Bupealvii of Criminal Identiicatiggi Support ofe ex en un er the `rcction o the commissioners, rovi the severlal departments of the General Government may bepentitled to like information from time to time as is accorded police departgngzrats of various municipalities privileged to membership therein,