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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/727

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 249. 1922. 699 of interment of unclaimed remains of deceased convicts; expenses incurred in identifying and pursuing escaped convicts and rewards for their recapture; to e expended under the direction of the Attorney General, $175,000. cnamrms AND oonmacrrons. ¤£.‘;?““°S“‘“‘°°"°° Boann or onanrrms. rama orcimma. Salaries and traveling expenses: Secretary, $3,500; assistant S¤¤¤i¤S»¤¢¤· secretary and stenograp er, $1,600; clerk, $1,400; clerk and ste— nographer, $1,400; messenger, $600; inspectors-—-two at $1,200 each, three at $1,000 each, two at $900 each, one $840; drivers—one (who shall also act as foreman of stables) $900, three at $720 each; hostler, $540; traveling expenses, including attendance on conventions, $600; in all, $20,740. Amb For the maintenance of three motor ambulances, $1,500. ` Jan., WL S ‘ n Support of prisoners: For maintenance of jail prisoners of the etuppm Ofpmo m District of Columbia at the jail, including pay of guards and all other necessary personal services, and for support of prisoners therein expenses incurred in identifying and pursuing escaped prisoners, and rewards for their recapture, repair and improvements to buildin , cells, and locking devices, maintenance of automobile, and for tie support of prisoners, $85,000. . ‘ · " iwonrcnousz arm nnronunonr. rJl1°$$i$y°T‘”° md ”°' Salaries: Superintendent, $3,500; physician, $1,680; chief engineer, Sums. $1,200; electrician, $1,200; superintendent of commissary, $1,080; in all, $8,660. Workhouse. Wonrmousn. Administration sala- Administration: Assistant superintendent, $1,680; chief clerk, ‘i°$· $1,200; head rnatron, $900; stenographer, $720; O _ V Operation: Foremen——construction, $900; stone-crushing plant, P°”°`°“°mp1°’°°S’ $900; sawmill, $900; superintendent brickkiln, $1,500; Maimmm em_ Maintenance: Superintendent of clothing and laundry, $840; vlcywssteward, $900; stewardess, $600; veterinary and officer, $880; captain of guards, $1,200; captain of night watch, $900; two receiving and discharging officcrs, at $1,000 each; superintendent of laundry, $720; day §uards—¢-two at $900 each, eighteen at $840 each; twelve night guar s, at $720 each: day officer, $600; three mght officers, at $600 each; hospital nurse $600; captain of steamboat, $1,100; engineer of steapibogt, $1,000; superintengplnt of farm, nursery, dairy, and ou the artment, $1,200; in , $48,600; . _ P Foiilrriaixgtenance, custody, clothing, guarding, care, and support of M mm prisoners; rewards for furritives; provisions, subsistence, medicine, and hospital instruments, fourniture, and qparters for guards and other em loyees and inmates; purchase of too and equipment; purchase and) maintenance of farm implements, live stock, tools, equipment, and miscellaneous items; transportation; maintenance and operation of means of transportation, and means of transportation; supplies and labor; and all other necessary items, $85,000; me For fuel for maintenance and manufacturing, $42,500; C t {_ r For construction, dynamite, oils, repairs to plant, and material for p,,£§§$° mm 6

 to buildings, roads, and walks, $25,000; Pamem ,0 abw

01* payment to beneficiaries named in section 3 of "An Act d¤¤g$imm¤i¤¤-¤w- making it a misdemeanor in the District of Columbia to abandon or " `3°"°`$‘