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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/771

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. SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. 743 attending practical trials and tests of ordnance small arms, and other ordnance stores; for instruction purposes; for publications for libraries of the Ordnance Department, mc uding the Ordnance Office; subscriptions to periodicals, which may be paid for in advance; and payment for mechanical labor in the office of the Chief of Ordnance; and for maintenance, repair, and izperation of motor—pro elled or Pm,60 horse-drawn passenger-carrlying vehi es, $1,250,000: Pmvidlizd, That uaqmii to be or all material purchased un er the appropriations in this Act for the t,,,Q,*"‘f“""" “'“"'°"' Ordnance Department of the Unite States Army shall be of American manufacture, except in cases when, in the judgment of the Secretary of War, it is to the manifest interest of the United States to rlnake purchases abroad, which material shall be admitted free of uty. onnmmcn sronns, aumuiwnon. 0¤1¤¤¤<=¤¤¤>~¤~ For the development, manufacture, purchase, and maintenance of piqliZm¤b$°;it°§? airplane bombs; of ammunition for small arms and for hand use for §@§{"" ‘°' °“"°" °'“"· reserve su ly; of ammunition for burials at the National Soldiers’ Home wiishingtonh District of Columbifi, and of ammunitéoaré {pr firmg' the mo an evening at mi itary ts prescri y General Ofd6l'S, §umbered 70, %‘·lis1adquarters ofmlihe Army, dated Jul 23, 1867, and at National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and, its several branches, including National Soldie1s’ Home at Washington, District of Columbia and Soldiers’ and Sailors’ State For msumm M homes; or manufacture and purchase of ammunition, targets, and target pmuee. ’ other accessories for small arms, hand and machine gun target practice and instruction; and ammunition, targets, target materials, and other accessories which be issued for small·arms target practice and instruction at the ucational and State soldiers’ and sa1lors’ o?hans’ homes to which issues of small arms are lawfully gzagebgp er such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, 5 , . MANUFACTURE OF ARMS. Manufactureofarms. For manufactming, repairing, procuring, and issuing arms at the ·*°°'S°¤°l¤'°'*$¤¤¢ national armories, $375,000. ORDNANCE STORES AND SUPPLIES. Stores and supplies. For overhauling, cleaning, repairing, and reserving ordnance and Pm°M°g’ M ordnance stores in the hands of troops and) at the arsenals, posts, and depots, excelpt material for cleaning and p at places other t an estab ishments under the direct control of the Chief of P 1 M M Ordnance; for purchase and manufacture of ordnance stores to fill amps. ` requisitions of troops, $150,000. Auronusrrc mruzs. ,I§,§‘F°“‘“"° “‘“°’“”° For the purchase, manufacture, test, repair, and_ maintenance of ¤,¥§','§°}._'°°’ "‘°"""° automatic machine rifles, or other automatic or semiautomatic guns, mcluding their mounts, sights, and equipments, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture, to remain available nmtil June 30, 1924, $250,000. Taiwxs. rmx; For the purchase, manufacture, test, maintenance, and repair of tanks and other se1f—propelled armored vehicles, to remain available *¤*°'°¤· until June 30, 1924, $200,000.