1570 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Srms. I. Cns. 129-131, 150. 1921. by the Secretary of the Interior, said lots had? been erroneously conveyed to the United States instead of to E. . Farrell, who subsequently sold and transferred same to J. L. Holmes. Approved, November 18, 1921. TSS? @A1’. 180.-An Act For the relief of Elijah C. Putman. I °‘ ' E%h(}_P¤1,mg¤, Be it enacted by the Senate and House ¢y'Regn·esentat¢?qes of the um '°”*°° °" States of America in Cimgess assembled, That the service of Ehjah C. Putman, honorably disc arged March 28, 1864, IS declared amply g,s,,.,¤_zm,p,m, sufficient to entitle him or his ass` to the benefits of said section 2306, Revised Statutes, and the gmmissioner of the General Land Oflice is hereby authorized to recognize the same. _ Approved, November 18, 1921.
(IEA?. 131.-An Act. To amend section 26 of an Act entitled "A.n Act making
0* a p1iztionsforthecnurentamicontingentexpe¤1se¤of theBmeauofIn¤dian ma" and so forth. Be·£tenactedby theS¢nateandHouse Re eeentatives of the United
••£se- States&¢ifAmerica‘in Gbngcsa assemblezi Thliit section 26 of the Act
@f°'?*}m,§“PF‘0,°,§,{;a` entitl "An Actmaking appropriations for the current and continrfguwg Quapgw. ¤¤ gent expenses_of the_Bureau_o Indian Affairs, for fulfilhng treaty m" stipulations with various Indian tribes, and for other purposm, for W ,1 ms d_ the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922," approved March 3, 1921, be, sd. 'p' 'mm and the same IS- hereby, amended by adding to the list of members of the Quapaw Tribe therein enumerated, after the words Lucy Lottson Beaver, the names of three omitted members, to wit, Minnie Griffin, Lewis Quapaw, and Leona Quezkpaw, in order that the said named Indians may have the full ben t of the twenty-five year extension period provided by the Act. Approved, November 18, 1921. N°°i'é‘?’°i§£;’°”‘ cnn. mo.-is Act ro; me mus: of the cm .m1w•¤ke¤ma sam rmi naivaw, ¤.1 . wa Com any· the Chicago, Saint Paul Minneaiitolils and Omaha Railway Company; and the gaint louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. H 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re esentatives o the United ¤.¤(€ims°:££ iimi ma Smtes of America in Congress assembled;fTh£i:`, any statuté of limita- @_°°"‘*’°“’ “‘d tions to the contrary notwithstanding, the Court of Claims is hereby Cg‘·;t·‘¤¤¤gg¤g¤mI£r;v%g given jurisdiction to hear and determine the claims of the Chicago, ¤w,e¢¤.,emms cr. ilwaulaee and Saint Paul Railway Company, in accordance with the decisions of said court in causes numbered twenty-eight thousand two hundred and seventy-two, twenty-nine thousand six hundred and thirty-six, and thirty thousand one hundred and fifty-nine, and the claims of the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Com(pany, in accordance with the decision of said court in cause numbers twenty~mne thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, which was affirmed by the Sugreme Court of the United States, and the claim of the Saint Louis, ron Mountain and Southern Railway Bmw!. Company, in accordance with the decision of said court in cause Aiggmsueaezm- num ered twenty-four thousand four hundred and nine: Provided, °*i§,‘_S_’g€c_,_,,,,,,_,,,,,, That said court in rendering judgment shall enforce the provisions of section 3417, Revised Statutes of the United States, rohibiting the assignment of claims against the United States, and shall render mdigment for said claimants only for the amoxmts in which the an not any predecessors of theirs, were underpaid, it being td;