or me CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME. ‘ Laws or '1`HIE Srxrr-Snvnmn Conennss or- THE UNITED STATES. STATUTE I—-1 921. Pan. "Flynderborg," teamslf . An Act Conferrmg’ jurisdi ti n u n th United States Distri t Court for the Eaistern gistrict of South Carolina to hteai) anrlxzleterianine the claim of thecowners of the Danish steamship Flynderborg against the United States, and for other purposes. August 9, 1921 . 1565 Frkielel and De 't Company. An Act For the relief of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of
, Baltimore, Maryland. August 16, 1921 . . . 1566
Southern and Metal Company. An Act For the relief of the Southern Iron and Metal Com- Jpagily, Jacksonville, Florida. August 23, 1921 ... Z .. 1566 Frmcuz . Maddo:;21An Act For the relief of Major Francis M. Maddox, United States Army. 1566 ugust:24 1 E. W McComasZ An Act For the relief of E. W. McComas. _August 24, 1921 ... . .. 1567 West Point, Ga. An Act For the relief of the dg of West Point, Georgia. Aim 24, 1921 . 1567 ".l{¢v·y{a9;;1," rbedge. An Act For the relief of e owners of the dredge Mary . August 24, 1567 Roz 1. Na ’ 'm»." if '````` y} I`lii{1{é£Xrl¢l§`¤`·`zmg""£1ié'iv.&§»i§ Mi bmi ```` Gini P sue the ognitgdn to recover daznages resulting from collisions. November 1568 17 .. . . . .. " Texas}; steamship. An Act Authorizing the owners of the steamship Texas to bring suit against the United States of America. November 17, 1921 ... . ... 1569 J`. L. Holmes. An Act Granting a deed of quitclaim and release to J. L. Holmes of certain land in the town of Whitefield, Oklahoma. November 18, 1921 .. 1569 Elijah C. Putman. An Act For the relief of Elijah C. Putman. November 18, 1921 1570 Quapaw Indum allottees. An Act To amend section 26 of an Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Bureau of Indian Affairs} and soforth. November 18 1921 ... . . . 1570 Chicago, Milwaukee and Sahlt Paul Railway etc. _An Act For the relief of the Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Company; the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis an Cmaha Railway Company; and the Saint Louis, Iron ountam and Southern Railway Company. November 23, 1921 .. . . . ... 1570 Mount Pleasant, Mich., lands reumveyed. An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to execute deeds of reconveyance for certain lands in the city of Mount Pleasant, Isabella County, Michigan. November 23, 1921. ... 1571 STATUTE II-—-1921-1922. Mike Campbell. An Act Validating homestead entry of Mike Campbell for certain public land in Alaska. December 15, 1921 ... . _ . . 1 573 John Cestnik jr, An Act For the relief of John Cestnik, jixrmor. December 15, 1921 1573 G- FredRoacle and others. An Act For the relief of G. Fred oach and others. December 15, 1921. . 1574 Augustus 8. Peabody. An Act To authorize the Secretary of Commerce to convey to Augustus S. Peabody certain land in Galveston Coun§w;,_'1`exas. December 20, 1921. . . 1574 Joseph Etnerés Agzéct To confirm private land of the widow and heirs of Joseph Etiar. Ian- 1 uary 1 . ··--...-~····.·.. . .. 575 Settlers on errlirwously surveyed lands, Ark. An Act Granting to certain claimants the preferential right tolpurchasi alleged public lands in the State of Arkansas, and for other pur- 1 poses. anuary , 1 . .. 575 Ciaarles R. Powell. An Act For the relief of Charles R. Powell. January 28, 1922 ... 1576 I D. Calhoun. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to se and patent to J. D. Calhoun, of Lincoln Parish, Louisiana, certain lands. January 28, 1922 1576 William Gordon Corporation. An Act For the relief of the William Gordon Corporation. January 30, 1922. . . .. - ... 1577