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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/755

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2298 PROGLAMATIONS, 1923. Vd-35»PP·*°"5»1*”"· the benefits of the Copyright Act approved March 4, 1909, other than the beneiits under Section 1 (e) thereof; AND, WHEREAS, the Government of the Netherlands declared on October 2, 1922, that under the laws in force that country "citizens of the United States may claim copyright in the Netherlands and ossessions with respect to their musical works made_ or published tldr the first time since the date of this declaration, which co yright includes the exclusive right to manufacture rolls, discs, and other objects for the mechanical reproduction of a work in whole or in part, as well as the exclusive right to give public representations or executions by means of these instruments, and this mdependentlg of the fact that these instruments have been made either in the Net erlapds and possessions or in the United States of America or elsew ere" ; N°;’g_*;!,¤*;*:g.?* NO M THEREFORE, I, WARREN G. HARDING, President of to meeamaai musical the United States of America, do declare and proclaim that one of the

 alternative conditions specified in Sections 1 (e) and 8 (b) of the Act

· of March 4, 1909, was fulfilled in respect to the subéects of the Netherlands on October 2, 1922 and that the subjects 0 the Netherlands from and after that date shall be entitled to all the benefits of the said Act, including copyright controlling the parts of instruments serving to reproduce mechanically a musical work, as provided in Section 1 (e) of the said Act, in the case of all works by the Netherlands authors which have been published on or after October 2, 1922, and have obtained copyright in accordance with the laws of the United States. IN TES TIMO NY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the Cit of Washington this twenty-sixth day of February, in tlie year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred [sun,.] and twentxghree, and of the Independence of the United States of erica the one hundred and forty-seventh. Wannmr G Haimme — By the President: Cnnuzs E. Huemns Secretary of State. Br rm: Pimsmmrr or rms: Umrrzn Srarns or Anmnma. A PROCLAMATION.

    • °“'*d my ° WHEREAS by section 9 of the Act of Co ess a roved A t

National Hm , r ll oigtlmble mr$?9, 1_921 (42 Stat. 147—1§0), the Director ofngie Vel:)eIi·ans’ Burgh, 4,,,,,,, M sublect to the general direction of the President was authorized to utilise, enter aha, existing facilities of the War Department in connection with the care, rehabilitation and return to civil employment of disabled gersons discharged from the military or naval forces of the United tates; AND WHEREAS, the President, at the request of the Director of the Veterans} Bureau and upon the recommendation of the Secretary of War, assigned to the eterans’ Bureau, for use in carrying out the p{rovisions of the said Act of Congress, the United States Military eservation known as Camp Sherman, in the State of Ohio; _ AND WIIEREAS, that part of the said Reservation upon which is situated the famous prehistoric group of mounds known as the élécgnd City Group " is no longer required for the use of the Veterans ’ U? V°‘·’“·P· 2“~ AND , b section 2 of the Act of Congress v June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. é5), the President is authorized "