SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 364. 1925. 1047 movement, maintenance, and repairs of cars, purchase of equipment (including rubber boots and oil skins) and apparatus, contingent expenses, temporax? labor, and not to exceed $10,000 for propagation F¤¤$*>W¤°·¤ mussels and distribution o fresh-water mussels and the necessary expenses connected therewith, $400,000. Maintenance of vessels: For maintenance of vessels and launches, l1Q'E€’,‘§{Z,,,,,,,,, including purchase and repair of boats, apparatus, machiner , and i other facilities required for use with the same, hire of vesselss, and all other necessary expenses in connection therewith, and money accruing from commutation of rations and provisions on board vessels may be paid on proper vouchers to the persons having charge of the mess of such vessels, $105,000. _ Commutation of rations (not to exceed $1 per day) may be paid ¤,,°?,‘,1'““‘“°“"°“ °' '“’ to officers and crews of vessels of the Bureau of Fisheries during the fiscal year 1926 under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce. _ Inquiry respecting food fishes: For inquiry into the causes of the q,§,$’§d °‘“°"°" "" decrease of food fishes in the waters of the United States, and for investigation and experiments in resipect to the aquatic animals, plants and waters, in the interests o fish culture and the fishery industries, including maintenance, repair, improvement, equipment, and operations of biological stations, expenses of travel and preparation of reports, $43,500. _ _ _ Fishery industries: For collection and compilation of statistics S°°`”u°h°°°"' of the fisheries and the study of their methods and relations, and the methods of preservation and utilization of fishery products, including compensation of temporary employees, travel and preparation of reports, includin temporary employees in the District of Columbia not to exceed §1,800, and all other necessary expenses in connection therewith, $25,500. Sponge fisheries: For protecting the sponge fisheries, including §,$g§g,§,*kh*;#,(f- employment of inspectors, watchmen, and temporary assistants, hire ` of boats, rental of office and storage, care of seized sponges and other property, travel, and all other expenses necessary to carry out the {provisions of the Act of August 15, 1914, to regulate the sponge V°1·3°·"“°“ sheries, $2,500. Alaska, general service: For protecting the seal fisheries of Alaska, ,,,,‘?1“""• ‘°"°"' °°"' including the furnishing of food, fuel, c othinfg, and other necessities u,§:·l,°*}>¤‘§¤*t:¤•ng¤a>;§·$:' of life to the natives of the Pribilof Islands o Alaska, improvement mf repair, and alteration of buildings and roads, transportation of supplies to and from the islands, expenses of travel o_ agents and other employees and subsistence while on said islands, lure and mamtenance of vessels, including $10,000 to be used in providing a reserve supply of food, clothing, medicines, and other necessities on the Prihilof Islands, and for all expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to protect the seal fisheries of V°'·”“·**°°°· Alaska, and for other purposes,” approved April 21, 1910, and for the protection of the fisheries of Alaska, including travel, subsistence Xu per diem in lieu of subsistence) of employees while on duty m laska, hire of boats, employment of temporary labor, and all other necessary expenses connected therewith, $310,000. Mrssrssirrr wrw mm: Arm msu answer: ,,,,1§i§"§',,,°[g,°lI"'° For construction of buildings and ponds, for equipment, main- ,,_,g’,'f°§,i,Q‘}°‘*°"·°""l*" tenance, operation, repair, and improvements, including expenditures for personal services at the seat of government and elsewhere as may be necessary, as authorized in the Act approved June 7, 1924, $25,000. ·""‘· *’· °"”·