SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 364. 1925. 1049 son to be employed for not more than six consecutive months; travel- ’*`*’¤'°“¤¤ ¤¤=1>¤¤¤¤S· 111g expenses of officers and employees, purchase of reports and ma- m'
for reports and bulletins of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, ~
For periodicals, newspapers, documents, and special reports for P°"°°*°“l*· °““ the purpose of procuring strike data, price notations, and court decisions for the Bureau o_f Labor Statistics, $300. BUREAU or IBIMIGRATION _ 1mmim¤¤¤ Bureau- Salaries: For the Commissioner General and other personal serv- ¤rE1?iigi°i1¥ii)€:rp¤i3¤$1§Z ices in the District of Columbia, in accordance with the Classifica- “°'· tion Act of 1923, $91,840. _ Regulating immigration: For enforcement of the laws regulating ,j§‘,'{£,°¥,,‘§,lf"’ “‘“‘“"'°` immigration of aliens into the United States, including the con- V¤1·41·P· 1006: W1- tract abor laws; cost of reports of decisions of the Federal courts, i2’4Ii»xi§ and digests thereof, for the use of the Commissioner General of Immigration; salaries and expenses of all officers, clerks, and employees appointed to enforce said laws, including not to exceed $125,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia, together k£g”’*°°¤ in ***6 me with persons authorized by law to be detailed for duty at Wash- ' ington, District of Columbia, per diem in lieu of subsistence when P°'°*°m*¤*>¤*¤*°¤°°· allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation ¥g}~_33§P·°*g_,_ vo, Act approved August 1, 1914; enforcement of the provisions of the sépvol. ,41, p Act of February 5, 1917, entitled “An Act to regulate the immi— 1 .4;.¢li°l;.i2é¤?`5' gration of aliens to and the residence of aliens in the United States," and Acts amendatory thereof and in addition thereto; necessary supplies, including exchange of typewriting machines, alterations and repairs, and for all other expenses authorized by .said Act; preventing the unlawful entry of aliens into the United States, by the appointment of suitable officers to enforce the laws in relation thereto; expenses of returning to China all Chinese persons foimd °"‘“°°°°‘°"“*°“· to be unlawfully in the United States, includin the cost of imprisonment and actual expenses of conveyance of Chinese persons to the frontier or seaboard for deportation; refunding of head m§¤g;,f‘°‘"”¤ "°°" tax, maintenance bills, and immigration tines upon presentation of evidence showing conclusively that collection was made through error of Government officers; all to be expended under the direction of the Secreta of Labor, $5,084,865: Pro/vided, That $1,000 000 of 5{,'§,‘°,f;,d md ,,,,,_ this amount shall be available only for coast and land-border wwwpatrol: Providcd further, That the purchase, exchange, use, mainte- ,,,X‘}§"@,‘f*‘”·°“‘°"*° nance, and operation of motor vehicles and allowances for horses, including motor vehicles and horses owned by immigration officers when used on official business required in the enforcement of the immigration and Chinese exclusion laws outside of the District of Columbia may be contracted for and the cost thereof paid from the appropriation for the enforcement of those laws, under such terms _ _ and conditions as the Secretary of Labor may prescribe: Provided ,,fjf'},‘}°,§,,°g,,*;_“’°“”°• éurther, That not more than $100,000 of the sum appropriated erein may be expended in the purchase and maintenance of such motor vehicles, and of such sum of $100,000 not more than $88,000 shall be available for the urchase and maintenance of motor ve- . hicles for coast and land·l)>order patrol: Provided further, That B°'d°'P°”°l· hereafter any employee of the Bureau of Immigation authorized so to do under regilations prescribed by the Commissioner General of Immigration with the approval of the Secretary of Labor, shall Em 10 M ma u_ have power without warrant (1) to arrest any alien who in_his rm ggggeug wg-me resence or view is entering or attempting to enter the United g{g“,";‘,f,'},y‘§f,‘$£*;f,‘§S€ States in violation of any aw or regulation made in pursuance ence. ew. of law regulating the admission of aliens, and to take such alien