1056 sixrY-n1GrrrH conennss. sees. 11. os. aes. 1925. included in grade 4; clerks who are now in present grade 5 shall be Pr of I included m grade 5; and clerks who are now in present grade 6 shall °"‘ ‘°""°°' y' ge gacludpgsmhggage 6: Przvgded furgtltef, éfhat glerékstashdilygsion ea quar s a e romo e successive y 0 gra e a e inning of the quarter folllowing a year’s satisfactory service in the iigext lower grade and not to exceed 35 per oentum of the force to grade 6 for mer1tor1ous_serv1ce after not less than one years service in grade 5, and the time seryed by_clerks in their present grades shall be included_ m the years service required for rplpomotion in the '*`*¤¤¤*¤¤>*¤'°*?S°¤** grades provided herem: Am! profvzded further, at whenever in $ii¤ian;is wmiiil the discretion of the Postmaster General the needs f th ° - 0 e service "°°‘°“‘ require such action, he_ is authorised to transfer clerks or carriers in the city C1ty Delivery Service from post omces at which d1v1s1c;n heaillquarteis of post-olfficelinspectors are located to the position o cler at suc ivision ea quarters after passing a non -
- ,§§?{"” ""’°” "°"S' petitive examination at a salary not to exceed $2,300. After (siixgh
transfer is made effecgve clerks so transferred shall be eligihle for , promotion to the gra es of salary provided for clerks at division bS;g:gt¤t¤€§g¤u;¤;§;¤r¤ }i§ad<Hi1arte;·sipf postiloiiige mspectors.hHereafter when any clerk in ° m theo ce o `vision ea quarters in the ost-office ins ection se ‘ ` is absent from duty for any cause other tlian leave pay alldggd by law, the Postmaster General, under such regulations as he may prescribe, may authorize the employment of a substitute for such Salrsiu from lapsed work, and payment therefor from the lapsed salary of such absent m' cletrk at a rate not to exceed the grade of pay of the clerk ·absent with- _ ou pay.
- ‘“*$‘3¤° §g*‘m°·* Sec.3. That at offices of the second class the annual salarie
ters at seco class , _ S of eigvgéd Onmi ts assistant postmasters shall be in even hundreds of dollars, based on p the gross postal receipts for the preceding calendar year, as follows: $8,000, but less than $10,000, $2,200; $10,000, but less than $12,000, Vol 41 D IW $2,200; $12,000, but less than $15,000, $2,200; $15,000, but less than muah, ` ’ $18,000, $2,300; $18,000, but less than $22,000, $2,300; $22,000, but less than $27,000, $2,400; $27,000, but less than $33,000, $2,400; _ $33,000, but less than $40,000, $2.500. ,,,;‘;“{j}j;,°' ,,§§§“’g§j That at offices of the first class the annual salaries of the employees Eggs ar ¤rsv_c1ass other than those ID the automatic grades, shall be in even htindiegs of ‘ dollars, tiapied on the gross postal receipts for the preceding calendar _ year as 0 ows: °§,,‘;’}'e§j,p,Q”°d °° Receipts $40,000, but less_ than $50,000·—assistant postmaster, $2,600; superintendent of mails, $2,400. Receipts $50,000, but less than $60.0005ass1stant postmaster, $2,600; superintendent of mails, $.2,400. Receipts $60,000, but less than $7 5,000——Tassistant postmaster, $12,600 (stéperintendent of mails, $2,4,90. Receipts $75,000, but less eettti ’raa§f§ ‘S%S3%éi1°st1Si‘f€S*1i’§, W10.? ’§`§%°55“0—Y°“d°”'£ °€ ‘““2f* . ., , .. . · , ssis an 1- master, $2,700; superintendent of mails, $2,600; foremen, $2,500.p(Receipts $120,000, but less than $150,000—assistant postmaster, $2.800; superintendent of mails, $2,7 00; foremen, $2,500. Receipts_$150,000, bpt lesistlgén $200i000—ass§,tant postmaster, $2,900; superintendent o mai 800· oremen 2,500. Recei ts $200 000 b t l th 2, ; r 5. ece1ps»:.o. .u ss ( 0000- §2,55)60)0O§;a‘§;s,igt;1an$§:2 pO<§tn%stei;, (isupeiéiptendging Stgissmailg assistant postn1aster;$3,100: superinftendent of mags, $3.'0I00; assistant superintendelrlnt of mails. $2,600; foremen, $2,500. Receipts $300.000, but less t an $400000——assistant ostm st $3·O0· ' - gendent o§2m3%)ls,]§3,100; a§;istant séipgrinteiidegiit of €naiiS,Sgg?(i001; oremen · .5 . eceipts 00 000 ut less than $500.000- `lt t postmaster, $3.300; superintendent ,of mails, ; asgistarisiipagintendent of mails, $2,600; foremen, $2,500. Receipts $500,000, but less than $600,000··2SS1St8Ht postmaster, $3,500; superintendent of