1068 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 368. 1925. In&,f, “>g°¤¤°¤°°’ directed, subject to the consent of the Interstate Qommerce Commis- Commission. sion after investigation, to reform from time to time such classifications, weight limit, rates, zone or zones or conditions, or e1ther,_m order to promote the service to the public or to insure the receipt _ of revenue from such service adequate to pay the cost thereof. 1ooi$.i°°iloIo"»iid1iis iii x (c) That during the twelve months next succeeding the approval ggmfw S°},*,‘f;§,y‘°‘;‘; of this Act, the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized ooosooooss or vosooss. to conduct experiments in the operation of not more than fifty rural routes, in localities to be selected by him; said experiments s all be designed (primarily to develop and to encourage the transportation of food pro ucts directly from producers to consumers or vendors, and, if the Postmaster General shall deem it necessary or advisable during the progress of said experiments, he is hereby authorized, in his Raducmm 0, mm discretion, on such number or all of said routes as he may desire, to and commission oil reduce to such an extent as he may deem advisable the rate of postage
- °"°° °“"*°”‘ on food products mailed directly on such routes for delivery at the
post officis from which such roullies stajrt, and to allgw the hrural carriers thereon a commission on the os age so receive at suc rate as the Postmaster General may prescilibe, which commission shall be in addition to the carriers’ regular salaries. The amounts due the carriers for commissions shall be determined under rules and regula- _ tions to be prescribedzgy the Postmaster General directly from the §'0';"’{; mm m_ postal revenues: Prov' ed, That the amount so paid shall in no case ¤¤¤¤ rwm www- exceed the actual amount of revenue derived from this experimental service. R°*‘°“ ‘° °°""°“· A report on the progress of this experiment shall be made to Congress at the next regular session. Money orders. MONEY ORDERS ii2i}°Szi?iii?é°¤id' Src. 208. Secgion 3 of the ict entitled "An Ret to modify the ostal mone -or er stem, and or other purposes, approved March v°m’°°m”m °i1d°d' 5, 1883, as gmendediyis amended to read as follows: P F°°“'°'d°“‘“"°‘ “Sec. 3. A money order shall not be issued for more than $100, an‘dEthe feeis for domesticziprdegs shall be as followsor or ers not excee ing .2.50, 5 cents. " For orders exceeding $2.50 and not exceeding $5, 7 cents. “ For orders exceeding $5 and not exceeding $10, 10 cents. “ For orders exceeding $10 and not exceeding $20, 12 cents. " For orders exceeding $20 and not exceeding $40, 15 cents. " For orders exceeding $40 and not exceeding $60, 18 cents. “ For orders exceeding $60 and not exceeding $80, 20 cents. “For orders exceeding $80 and not exceeding $100, 22 cents.” “°¤‘°°°'°‘* ml- Rmisrnnnn Mlm. mR·m§gm§;g 392% P- Sec. 209. (a) The first sentence of section 3927 of the Revised ’ Statutes is amended to read as follows: mg£pe¤j,¤j¤¤<>¤ ¤¤<1f<¤¤= “Sec. 3927. Mail matter shall be registered only on the application of the party posting the same, and the fees therefor shall not be less than 15 nor more than 20 cents in addition to the regular postage, to be, in all cases, prepaid; and all such fees shall be accounted For in such manner as the Postmaster General shall direct." Msarfw ¤€¤¤R¤¤d· (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of such section as amended, the Postmaster General may fix the fee for registered mail matter at éiny amouiégess than 20 (genie R d S R- So Sec- 3928- v~ nc. 210. tion 3928 o the evise tatutes as amended is 763 amended. ’ f ~’ amended to read as follows: Receipt f<>·‘ ddivsv "Sec. 3928. Whenever the sender shall so request, and u on °° °°Ym°°°°H°°`" payment of a fee of 3 cents, a receipt shall be taken on the delivgry