SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 374. 1925. 1083 gency ceases to exist; but in time of eace except as is otherwise I¤**¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤¤·<>¤lY provided in this Act, they shall only bg ordbred tid or continued on by°°°?°°t' active duty with their own consent: Provided, That the Secretary 5{,'§'{‘§,'§g,,,e,m,, of the Navy may release any officer or man from active duty at any i time. Navy laws etc. to Sec. 10. Officers and men of the Naval Reserve, when employed ¢°‘§{¤ ¤¤**i¤ dm on active duty, authorized training duty, with or without pay, drill, Su °°` or other equivalent instruction or duty, or when employed in authorized travel to and from such duty, drill, or instruction, or during such time as they may by law be required to perform active duty in accordance with their obligations, or while wearing a uniform prescribed for the Naval Reserve, shall be subject to the laws, regula- mama. i tions, and orders for the government of the Navy: Provided, That A°“°“ °” °”°°’°¤· disciplinary action for an offense committed while so subject to the laws, regulations, and orders for the government of the Nav shall not be barred by reason of release from duty status of an oigcer or man charged with the commission thereof: Provided further, That ,,,I§’,§‘,£,‘?‘},,§,'§‘_,;‘;"’*°°* officers and men who have heretofore been or may hereafter be trans- ` ferred to the retired list of the Naval Reserve Force or the Naval Reserve with pay shall at all times be subject to the laws, regulations, and orders for the government of the Navy. _Grade ot commis- Sec. 11. That commissioned officers of the Naval Reserve when em- §,‘;‘§,?f’,‘§f°cf,‘,,‘g§’,i‘,°,,f,‘Y° ployed on active duty or on training duty, with pay, or when _ employed in authorized travel to and from such duty, shall be deemed to have been confirmed in grade and qualified for all general service and shall receive the pay, allowances, including lon vity ,,§°’· "““‘*’°"’°“°“· pay, as provided by law for the reserve forces of the United Ssates, [ and shall when traveling imder orders receive transportation in kind, milea e or actual expenses as Lprovided by law for travel erformed Warrant ummm and by oécers of the regular avy. Warrant officers and men of °““‘°°‘* “‘°“· the Naval Reserve when employed on active duty or on training duty with pay or when employed in authorized travel to and from °,}§’,{,,c“{{‘,$,,§$‘,Zf’°°°’ such duty shall receive the same pay and allowances as received by warrant oilioers and enlisted men of the regular Navy of the _ same rank, grade, or rating, and of the same length of service which S°""°°'°“*‘°""’· shall include service in the Navy, Marine Coiips, Coast Guard, Naval Reserve Force, Navy Militia, National aval Volunteers, ,,,,,,,,,_ Marine Corps Reserve, or Naval Reserve: Provided, That when d_P¤v¥¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ $0 officers or men of the Naval Reserve erform active duty or training Y" duty with pay for a riod of less than thirty day;. such duty performed on the thirtygerst day of any month s all paid for at the same rate as for other da s. · · Src. 12. That upon begig appointed in the Fleet Naval_ Reserve ouicgiilm mmny W an officer shall be paid a sum o $100 for purchase of required uniforms and thereafter he shall be paid an additional sum of $50 for the same purpose upon completion of each period of four years in P,,,,,m_ the Fleet Naval Reserve: Provided, That any officer who has here- i·i¤¤i¢¤¢i¤¤- tofore received a uniform gratuity shall not be entitled to either of the above-mentioned sums until the expiration of four years from Fmhmuminume the date of the receipt of such gratuity: Provided further, That in otwsr. time of war or national emergency a further sum of $150 for purchase of required imiforms shall be paid to officers of all classes of the Naval Reserve when they first report for active duty. pcauurmapre., no eu- Sec. 13. That in time of peace enlisted men of the Naval Reserve ;;f,‘§,_'“°° “‘ "“’° °' shall be issued articles of uniform, bedding, and equipment in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy: givigigim in time 0, Provided, That upon first reporting for active duty in time of war_or wm-. national emergency enlisted men of the Naval Reserve shall receive in addition the same outfit as may be authorized for the enlisted personnel of the regular Navy upon first enlistment.