SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 84. 1924. 83 ing and power purposes, telephone service for custodial forces; removal of ashes and rubbish, snow, and ice; cutting grass and weeds, washing towels, and miscellaneous items for the use of the custodial forces in the care and maintenance of completed and occupied public buildings and the grounds thereof under the control of the Treasury Department, and in the care and maintenance of the equipment and furnishings in such buildings; miscellaneous supplies, tools, and appliances required in the operation (not embracing repairs) of the mechanical equipment, including heating, plumbing, hoisting, gas piping, ventilating, vacuum—cleaning and refrigerating apparatus, electric-light plants, meters, interior pneumatic-tube and intercommunicating telephone systems, conduit wiring, call—bell and signal systems in such buildings, and for the transportation of articles or supplies authorized herein (including the customhouse in the District of Columbia, but excluding any mmdinzs emiuaxz other public building under the control of the Treasury Department within the District of Columbia, and excluding also marine hospitals and quarantine stations, mints, branch mints, and assay offices, and personal services, except for work done by contract or for temporary job labor under exigency not exceeding at one time the G sum of $100 at any one building), $3,070,000. The appropriation °'Sg°v°m°rS‘ made herein for gas shall include the rental and use of gas governors when ordered by the Secretary of the Treasury in writing: _ Provided, That rentals shall not be paid for such gas governors §','§{"8}’,t'j greater than 35 per centum of the actual value of the gas saved thereby, which saving shall be determined by such tests as the Secretary of the Treasury shall direct: Provided further, That t,§,€Q"},‘Q,‘@‘{,0f,‘,§§1d_ °°°“ the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to contract for the purchase of fuel for public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department in advance of the availability of the appropriation for the payment thereof. Such contracts, however, shall not exceed the necessities of the current fiscal year. Lands and other property of the United States: For custody, °““”°dY°“°°dscare, protection, and expenses of sales of lands and other property R S__s,,cS_3m,m0_ of the United States, acquired and held under sections 3749 and P·739~ 3750 of the Revised Statutes, the examination of titles, recordin of deeds, advertising, and auctioneers’ fees in connection therewith,§50. MISCEIJANEOUS Irmrs, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Print House for Ammuozm 1>iuN·r1No Hoosn rox THE Bunn. **1** Bm? To enable the American Printing House for the Blind more Exp°m°S` adequately to provide books and apparatus for the education of v,,,_4,,,,_m_ the blind in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved August 4, 1919, $40,000. TITLE II.-—-POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. The following sums are appropriated in conformity with the m§l°€i¤pgiiii¤g£?' Act of July 2, 1836, for the Post Office Department for the fiscal V°l'5’”‘°°‘ year ending June 30, 1925, namely: PosT Orman Dnrnirrmnxr, WASHINGTON, Drsrmcr or Conrnumx. pelrisgsljattment ui orrrcr. or TILE 1>osTMAsTnn Gunmen. oeiigddu P W Postmaster General, $12,000; for personal services in the office miiemwpémmt l' of the Postmaster General in the District of Columbia in accordance with “The Clasiiication Act of 1923," $201,7 40; in all, $213,740.