1128 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, Sess. II. C1—1s. 447-449. 1925. vided by any State substantially promotes the objects described in S§&gR;;:§;¤md the foregoing section, he is hereby authorized and directed, under tioe. such conditions as he.may determine to be fair and equitable in each State, to cooperate with appropriate officials of each State, and through them with private and other agencies therein in the Federal expenses me protection of timbered and forest-producing lands from fire. In {,'§°§'€§§’§’ST‘m°““t‘“s°° no case other than for preliminary investigations shall the amount expended by the Federal Government in any State during any fiscal year, under this section, exceed the amount expended by the State for the same purpose during the same iiscal year, including the expenditures o forest owners or operators which are required by State law or which are made in pursuance of the forest protection system of the State under State supervision and for which in all rreceeaelgzte water- cases the State renders satisfactory accountmg. In the cooperation
- {‘,°eda*m‘;_’§,§,‘€b§,*§§ extended to the several States due_cons1deration shall be given to
1=;·;<1=»¤¤r¤¤¤¢i¤ sunvim the protection of watersheds of navigable streams, but such coopera- ° tion may, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, be extended to any timbered or forest producing lands, or watersheds from which water is secured for domestic use or irrigation, within the cooperating States." Approved, March 3, 1925. Q mm. . March3,1925. [$-*225-] CHAP. 448.--An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing [P“bh°· N°· 566-] %1:tcor;st§ctIipn of A bridge across Detroit River within or near the city limits of l'0l , lc g8»D. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ¥{§§‘°§§§§§;,d ,0, United States of America in Ocngress assembled, That the times gQ<ggi¤8· at D°°*°**· for commencing and completing the construction of the bridge au- Vol; 41, p. mo, thorized by Act of Con ess approved March 4; 1921, to be built by °”*°“d°"‘ the American Transit gbmpany, its successors and assigns, across Detroit River, within or near the city limits of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, are hereby extended one ear and five years, res ectively, from the date of approval hereog Am°¤dm°¤*· Sho. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserve . Approved, March 3, 1925. Marcl13, 1925.
CHAP. 449.-An Act ntin th onsent of Con ess to th i h—
[Pub“c’M`567`] way Commission of Nortlgrgiarolgia tiocconstruct a bridge acrossc tilitgtghldvgan River at or near the city of Edenton, North Carolina. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the §’g§,‘{,°‘(§,§‘rf,§f,{,, my United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent bridge,uearEde¤t0¤. of Congress is l18I'€by gfahtéd to the State Highway C0mmiSSiOH of North Carolina, and their successors and assigns, to construct, main— tain, and operate a brid and approaches thereto across the Chowan River at a point suitabI; to the interests of navi ation, at or near _ Edenton, in the county of Chowan, in the State of glorth Carolina, in §Zg}}$*,j,‘f°gf"g,_ accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906.
- ‘“°'¤dm**”‘· Sno, 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby
expressly reserved. Approved, March 3, 1925.