1132 SIXTY-EIGHTH oonennss, Sess. 11. CHS. 455-457. 1925. £1;k¤t%S·§·m:gg Beg Sec. 2. The State of Arkansas, or any political subdivision or banned. division thereof, within or adjoining which said bridge is located, may at any time, by agreement or by condemnation in accordance with the laws of said State acquire all right, title, and interest in said bridge and the approaches thereto constructed under authority of this Act, for the purpose of maintaining and operating such bridge as P¤v¤¤¤¤¢f<¤· a free bridge, by the payment to the owners of the reasonable value ,,,0,,,,,_ thereof, not to excee in any event the construction cost thereof: ” '1‘¤11¤¤11<>w¤d for ¤v¤ Provided, That the said State or political subdivision or division ’°°”' thereof may operate such bridge as a toll bridge not to exceed Eve A mmm years from date of acquisition thereof. _ _ m° Sec. 3. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act IS hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 3, 1925. March 3, 1925.
CHAP. 456.-An Act To extend the time for constructin a bridge across the
lP°b“°· N°·57*~l glut; River between Vanderburg County, Indiana, and Iienderson County, 811 IIC y. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatifves of the gh1»liSRZiiZiSaS¤ xm- United States of America in Congress assembled, That the times Qglggfgagg K°°”°°"Y for commencing and completing the construction of the bridge Public Lai-s.1s= i .. authorized by the Act of Congress approved June 7, 1924, to be built p' °°2’ °m°°d°d’ by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the State of Indiana across the Ohio River between Vanderburg Coimty, Indiana, and Hender- _ son County, Kentucky, are hereby extended one year and three years, respectively, from the date of approval hereof.
- “°°”°m°“°‘ Sec. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby
expressly reserved. Approved, March 3, 1925. March 3, 1925.
CHAP. 457.-—An Act To facilitate and simplify the work of the Forest
[P“b“°· N°· 575] Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and to promote reforestation. Fmstpmmion Be it enacted by the Semzte and House of Representatvbes of the Moneys S0Sm¤¤i¤Sa United States of America in Congress assembled, That all moneys {‘$',,§‘f,Z§§`€?g’2,"§“gp§.§$,;1 received as contributions toward reforestation or for the administra- ¤¤¤d- tion or protection of lands within or near the national forests shall be covered into the Treasury and shall constitute a special fund, Useonum which is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the payment of the expenses of said reforestation, administration, or protection by the Forest Service, and for refunds to the contributors of amounts heretofore or hereafter paid in b or for them in excess of their slhare of thedcost, but the Uniteg State? shall not be liable for any _ , amage inci ent to cooperation ereun er. ,,,{‘;?£ill§°.i’.”l bumug Sm. 2. That, in addition to buildings costing not to exceed $1,500 each, the Secretary of Agriculture, out of any moneys appropriated for the improvement or protection of the national forests, may c,0n— struct, improve, or purchase during each fiscal year three buildings Prom for national forest purposes at not to exceed $2,500 each, and three Waterjsupply, Sm., at not to exceed $2,000 each: Provided, That the cost of a water '°’ *’““d*°g$· supply or sanitary system shall not be charged as a part of the cost of any building except those costing in excess of $2.000 each, and no _ such water supply and sanitary system shall cost in excess of $500. ,,,,'§;’“,,§°,§,,§§§g·,dS,?L${ Src. 3. That the Act of June 6, 1900 (Thirty—Erst Statutes, page ¤S{gi31’p GSL 661) is hereby amended to enable the Secretary of Agriculture, in ' his discretion, to sell, without advertisement, in quantities to suit