1142 SIXTY-EIGHTH coivennss. sms. 11. cH. 462. 1925. Classification Act of 1923," and is specifically authorized by other law. pdgggg °° sign md One clerk of grade 1, clerical, administrative, and Hscal service, who shall be designated by the President to sign land patents. 0cl%¤;<;f:ip;;<r;<;_;>¤m;¤— The chief clerk of the Department of the Interior shall be the sign omcm papers. Y chief executive officer of the department and may be designated by Commgeutexpcmcse the Secretary to sign official papers and documents, including the R_S_'m_3683’p_m_ authorization of expenditures rom the contingent and other appropriations for the department, 1ts bureaus and offices, section 3683 of the Revised Statutes to the contrary notwithstanding. CONTINGENT nxrmvsns, nnranrmnnr or run INTERIOR snggipinliisiiiii °°°u°` For contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary and the bureaus, offices, and buildings of the department; furniture, carpets, ice, lumber, hardware, dry goods, advertising, telegraphing, telephone service, street car fares not exceeding 250, and expressage; examination of estimates for appropriations in the field for an bureau, office, or service of the department· not exceeding $500 shall www M Eg be available for the payment of damages caused to private roperty léy department motor vehicles exclusive of those operated) by the overnment fuel yards; purchase and exchange o motor trucks motor cycles, and bicycles, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-prdpelled passengjer-carrying vehicles and motor trucks, motor cycles, an ,bicyc es. to e used- on y for official purposes; diagrams, awnings, filing and labor—saving devices; constructing model and other cases and furniture; postage stamps to prepay postage on Di¤f>¤rm¤¤¢ ex- matter addressed to Postal Union countries and or special-delivery I stamps for_use in the United States; expense of taking testimony andpreparing the same, in connection with disbarment proceedings instituted against persons char ed with improper practices before the department, its bureaus ant? officesg not exceeding $450 for the Ndwdpdpdg purchase of newspapers, notwithstanding the provisions of section R. s., sec. m,p.ao. }921of the Revised tatutes of the United States; and other absoute y necessary expenses not hereinbefore provided for includ` traveling expenses, fuel and lights, typewriting and ldbor-savigg Smom etc machines, $7 6,000. _ _ "’· · For stationery, including tags, labels, index cards, cloth·lined wrappers, and specimen bags, printed in the course of manufacture, ,,_dd,,,dnd,’ hm and such printed envelo es as are not supplied under contracts zlxgggihed nppwpria- made by the Postmaster (general, for the department and its several ' bureaus and offices, $73,000; and, in addition thereto, sums amounting to $90,000 shall be deducted from other appropriations made for the fiscal year 1926, as follows: Surveying public lands, $3,500; protecting public lands and timber, $2,000; contm nt expenses local land offices, $3,500; Qeological Survey, $2,000- %ureau of Mines, $17,000; Indian Service, $35,000; Freedmen’s llospital, $500; Saint hwg, Ehzabeths Hospital, $3,500; National Park Service, $5,000; Bureau ummioaeemciama. of Reclamation, $18,000: Provided, That any unexpended portion of "°“‘“"d· this amount shall revert and be credited to the reclamation fund; and sa1d_ sums so deducted shall be credited to and constitute, together with the first-named sum of $73,000, the total appropriation for stationery for the department and its several bureaus and offices Books, periodims, for the Hscal year 1926. . • em. For the purchase or exchange of professional and scientific books, law books, and books to complete broken sets, periodicals, directories, and other books of reference relating to the business of the department by the several offices and bureaus of the Interior Department herein named, to be available for a common library for the joint use of the several offices and bureaus named, there is hereby