Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1183

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1152 six*rv-n1GrrrH coNoREss. sm. II. on. 462. 1925. m§_“jU%§;*; R¤S°m· For continuing the work of constructing the irrigation system for oéatmumgiyagmon the irrigation or the lands of the Pima Indians in the vicinity of 3§’}’§,.§‘§Y P"°° I"` Sacaton, on the Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona, within the von. sa, P-l(B1. limit of cost fixed by the Act of March 3, 1905 (Thirty-third Statutes at Large, page 1081), $5,000; and for maintenance and Repayment. operation of the pumping plants and canal systems $15,000; 111 all, Vo . ar, p. 522. $20,000, regrgbursable as jgovided in iection 2 of the {Act of August 24, 1912 irt ·seventh tatutes at ar e page 522 . ,° ¤'j,§;';’;f,•;' For coritinuirirg the construction of the aeicessary canals and strucew. tures to carry the natural How of the Gila River to the Indian lands of the Gila River Indian Reservation and to public and private lands in Pinal_County, Arizona, reimbursable as provided in the Indian


$$*2****- $§’§§i".?3€‘£E.“.;Z§Ea 2‘i‘5%‘.i. ii“€. Jisiii-.i$’r£»”2‘£Z{).$i(£t.‘gfb§'1§1.§h chase or condemnation pxioceedings lands needed for necessary rights of way in connection with the construction of the project. ,,f,:”A§§f’°“ R°°°"“’ For commencement of construction work on a dam across the Can- C€¤·>gid{$,Q§§r¤<:_§: you of the Gila River near San Carlos, Arizona, to be hereafter a$gniig,ac. known as the Coolidge Dam, for the purpose, first, of providing wmv water for the irrigation of lands allotted to the Pima Indians on ° ’ tlti;-n1éG?;>,HI£ver Rislervation; and, secong;1 for the grigation of fsuplh 0 r in pu `c or rivate owners as in the opinion o the Secretary of tl'1G·II1t8l‘l01?C8I1 be served gvater impounded by said dam w1t_ out diminishing the supply necessary for said Indian lands A¤¢.p-475- as provided for m the Act approved June 7, 1924 (Forty-third ,,,,,,,,_ Statutes at Large, pages 475 and, 476), $450,000, to be immediately Pn¤·=1w¤¤¤¤¤¤·1·¤¢¤- available: Provided, That said sum or so much thereof as may be required, shall be available for purchase and acquiring of land and npceigsary rights pzgwayvxlxejzle/rl mkconglniptiorgl with {she construction R¤i¤¤¤¤r¤3¤=¤¤*· o the ro`ect: A e urt er, at the tota amount a ro- ”'!°’ °'i'°` 'priatedpshhll be reimzliiirsed to the Treasury of the United Stag; in accordance with said Act of June 7, 1924. m_f§,gQgj,¤fgr{§"€’ R°’·· 1 Forlscpntiriluingqthe conspructionf of tlie necessary panals mad Extending imsenon atera or the l1lZllZ8.tl0l1 0 water rom the um in ant on the sym"' Colorado River Indian Reservation, Arizona, sg priivideil in the Act "°'· “°·P·*"“· of April 4, 1910 (Thirty-sixth Statutes at Large, pa e 273), $10,000; and for maintaining and 0 erating the pumping plant, canals, and Hcrnvment sgructuresk $10,000; in all, $,20,000, reimbursable as provided in the a oresaid ct. °°“‘“"?"‘°l°°‘·‘“"· For o eration and maintenance of the Ganado irrigation pro`ect t . ra l Opm mg Arizona? reimbursable under such rules and regulations aslthe Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, $2,800. ¤.§§"A§2Y‘°' R°"’°"" For operation anckemaintenancex of the Epumping plants on the P¤¤¤P*¤¤ P*¤¤*¤- San Xavier Indian servation, i rizona, 5,000, reimbursable out of apydfunds of the Indians of this reservation now or hereafter avai a e. m§,;*'{,SQf*°‘ *’·°”"°‘ For the operation and maintenance of pumping plants and for loiiengjgs ,0:;¤gpi¤j¢ the drilling of wells and mstallation of additional pumpingxplants f,§f’§;,m gab,.] mL‘§,,f for the irrigation of lands on the San Carlos Reservation in izona, _ $8,760, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust {,_’Q{j’;’g,,mm,m ,0 for the Indians of such reservation: Provided, That the sum so used tribe- shall be reimbursed to the tribe by the Indians benefited, under such _ _ rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. C,;‘,,‘{f“° R"‘“"““°“· For reclamation and maintenance charges on Indian lands within 0£4€%;%g¤¥S1S mggejgras the Yuma Reservation, California. and on ten acres within_ each of mm. ’ the eleven Yuma homestead entries in Arizona, under the Yuma {$§{f°3{,'f“,§f‘§g,63_ reclamation project, $31,290, reimbursable as provided by the Act Fm Han Rmrw of March_3, 1911 (Thirty-sixth Statutes at Large, page 1063). ang, Idaho. mi { For mamtenance and operahon of the Fort Hall 1r1‘1ga.t1011 system, ,y,,§‘§,'?°‘°" “° ‘°° Idaho, $15,000.