88 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 84. 1924. Office Department, $7,500, to be immediately available and to be expended in the discretion of the Postmaster General and to be accounted for on his certificate, which certificate shall be conclusive on the accounting offices of the United States. _ 'f*¤*‘°*»¤*°· For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, $1,000. m:`”¤;*¥dc;\&¤:¤ér;,¤§*P¤¤°· OFFICE or ·rm·1 rumia ASSISTANT rosrmasrnn GENERAL. J S¢¤¤¤¤¤·m¤¤P¢d ¤¤· For manufacture of adhesive postage stamps, special-delivery $?p°°' wml me stamps, books of stamps, stamped envelopes, newspaper wrappers, postal cards, and for coiling of stamps, $8,100,000. _ D*¤*¤b¤¤°¤ www- For pay of agent and assistants to examine and distribute stamped _ _ envelopes and newspaper wrappers, and expenses of agency, $21,500. ,,,I§£°§§§f”,¥,§‘§‘ "’“‘S' For payment of limited indemnity for the injury or loss of pieces D¤¤¤¤¤*i¤- gi domestic registered matter, insured and collect-on-delivery mail, _ 500,000. I”°°"'°°°°°l‘ Por payment of limited indemnity for the injury or los of international mail in accordance with convention, treaty, or agreement stipulations, $40,000. T'“"" °°°‘ For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office of the Third Assistant Postmaster General, $1,000. r¤l;°u`ii"¤f:e»oe“`.i2·n§tf°t ormcn or um romrru Assrsraivr rosrmasrnn GENERAL. S““‘°“°”" For stationery for the Postal Service, including the money-order 1,,,*,;,,******** S“‘°¤ ““P‘ and registry systems; and also for the purchase of supplies for the ' Postal Savings System, including rubber stamps, canoe ing devices, certificates, envelopes and stamps for use in evidencin deposits, and B°”"°‘°°“°°· free penalty envelopes; and for the reimbursement of the Secretary _ of the Treasury for expenses incident to the preparation, issue, and V°‘·3‘*·"·“‘· gegistration of the bonds authorized by the Act of June 25, 1910, _ _‘900,000.
‘§,,§§‘“"' For miscellaneous equipment and supplies, includin the purchase
and repair of furniture, package boxes, posts, trucks, ibaskets, satchels, straps, letter-box paint, b ing machines, perforating machines, duplicating machines, printing presses, directories, cleaning su - Mmmm Bw plies and the manufacture, repair, and exchange of equipment, the ' erection and painting of letter-box equipment, and for the purchase P t H t and repair o premes and dies for use m the manufacture of letter ,,,,,§’,“,,,‘Y‘°‘ °" ° °" boxes; for postmarkmg, rating, money·order stamps, and electmtype plates and repairs to same; metal, rubber, and combination type, dates and figures, type holders ink pads for canceling and stamping purposes, and for the purchase, exchange, and repair of typewriting machines, envelope-opening machines, and computing machines, copying presses, mmibering machines, time recorders, letter balances, scales, test weights, and miscellaneous articles purmfpgf*°·*°¤°°· °*°·· chased and furnished directly to the Postal Service; for miscellaneous expenses m the preparation and publication of post-route maps and rural-delivery maps or blue prints, including tracing for photolithographic reproduction; for other expenditures necessary and incidenta to post offices of the first, second, and third classes and offices of the fourth class having or to have rural—delivery: Saleotmapu, ae. service, and for letter boxes, $1,303,500; and the Postmaster General may authorize the sale to the public of post-route maps and ruraldelivery maps or blue prints at the cost of printing and 10 per centum thereof added; of this amount $1,500 may be expended in the purchase of atlases, and geographical and technical works:
- ’~¤°¤· Provided, That $200,000 of this appropriation may be used for the