SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 462. 1925. 1159 named, and for incidental and all other expenses for their proper conduct and management, including pay of employees, repairs, equipment, and improvements, not to exceed the following amounts: Arizona: Indian Oasis Hospital, $11,820; Navajo Sanatorium, Amana. $11,920; Phoenix Sanatorium, $57,300; Pima Hospital, $14,720; Truxton Canyon Camp Hospital, $6,000; _ _ California: Hoopa Valley Hospital, $12,020; C”‘m°"““‘ Idaho: Fort Lapwai Sanatorium, $46,370; m“h°‘ Iowa: Sac and Fox Sanatorium, $46,930; I°“`“‘ $ Montana: Blackfeet Hospital, $17,760; Fort Peck Hospital, M°°t°°°‘ 20,000; Nebraska: Winnebago Hospital, $22,370; N°b‘“k°· $3Nevada: Carson Hospital, $14,060; Pyramid Lake Sanatorium, N°'°d“• 0,000; New Mexico: J icarilla Hospital, $12,220; Laguna Sanatorium, New M¤¤<=¤· $20,130; Mescalero Hospital, $12,360; ‘ North Dakota: Turtle Mountain Hospital, $12,160; N·>¢0¤ Deme- Oklahoma: Cheyenne and Arapahoe Hos ital, $12,600; Choctaw 0k1¤¤¤¤¤¤- and Chickasaw Hospital $42,600; Shawnee Sanatorium, $40,000; South D,,k,,,,_ South Dakota: Crow Creek Hospital $9,840; · lVashingt0n: Spokane Hospital, $14,720. W¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤· For constructing and equi ping a girls’ dormitory for the hous· g‘{rQ;,Lggr‘g;°§;°’;g;_ ing of patients being treated) for tuberculosis in the Fort Lapwai cubemuosss mime. Sanatorium, Idaho, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of ‘""‘·"‘m‘ June 7, 1924 (Forty-third Statutes at Large, page 533), $50,000. For the equipment and maintenance of the asylum for insane §§',§§°{,”' Ey]?{’,§' ax. Indians at Canton, South Dakota, for incidental and all other ex- ¥’°“°’· penses necmary for its proper conduct and management, including pay of employees, repairs, improvements, and for necessa expense of transporting insane Indians to and from said asylum, $41},000; for deep well, $3,000; in all, $50,000. onzmnar. snrroxr AND GIVILIZATION miiii°°°" md °mu'° For general support and civilization of Indians, including pay of E‘¥’°°’°°“m"°‘*· employees, in not to exceed the following amounts, respectively: A mm In Arizona, $200,000; (,;,1, mh In California, $55,000; 1,,,),,,,,, Seminole Indians of Florida, $15,000; imo i Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, $18,000; Mural p1. Full·blood Choctaw Indians, of Mississippi, $10,500; Munn:. Fort Belknap Agency, Montana, $20,000; Flathead Agency, Montana, $14,000; Fort Peck Agency, Montana, $30,000; Blackfeet Agenc , Montana, $76,000; Rocky Boy Band, of Chippewas and other indigent and homeles Indians in Montana, $6,800; In Nevada, $25,000; N"°d“‘ _ In New Mexico, $160,000; NN Mm- Sioux of Devils Lake, North Dakota, $7,000; N°‘“‘ D“"°“· Fort Berthold Agency, North Dakota, $15,000; Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewas, North Dakota, $17 ,000; Wichita and aiiiliated bands who have been collected on the reser- omauoma vations set apart for their use and occupation in Oklahoma, $5,600; For expenses of administration of the affairs of the Five Civilized Fiv¤€iv1ii¤¤¤ Tribes. Tribes, Oklahoma, and the compensation of employees, $197,000: _ Provided, That a report shall be made to Congress on the first Mon- Rpm ,0 day of December, 1926, by the Superintendent for the Five Civilized Ccnsress. Tribes through the Secretary of the Interior, showing detail the expenditure of all moneys appropriated by this provision;