1178 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 462. 1925. purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use 0 the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $77,160; for construction of physical improvements, $7,500, including not exceeding $5,500 for the construction of buildings, of which not exceeding $2,500 shall be available for a stable and hay loft, and $3,000 for quarters for road crew; in all $84,660.
- ’°¤°°’¤· °°“‘· Sequoia National Park, California: For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $1,500 for the purchase, maintenance operation, and repair of motor-driven passengercarrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees
in connection with general park work, $62,572; for construction of physical improvements, $9,138, including not exceeding $4,500 for the construction of buildings, of which not exceeding $1,800 shall be available for a barn at Alder Creek and $1,700 for a warehouse: in al1, $71,710. _ _ W¤¤<1¤¤v¤· ¤·D¤¥· Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota: For administration, protection, maintenance, and improvement, $10,960. Y°“°"’*°°°· WY°· Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming: For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $6,600 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of horse-drawn and motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, not exceeding $8,400 for maintenance of the road in the forest reserve leading out of thefpark from the east boundary, not exceeding $7 ,500 for maintenance o the road in the forest reserve leading out of the park from the south bounda , and including feed for buffalo and other animals and salaries olfy buffalo keepers, $364,503; for construction of physical improvements, $31,497, including not exceeding $20,297 for extension of sewers and sanitary systems and garbage-disposal facilities, not exceeding $10,000 for auto camps, gid not exceeding $1,200 for the construction of buildings; in all, 96,000. Y°‘°“‘*“’·°‘m Yosemite National Park, California: For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceedin $2,100 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of horse-drawn and motor-driven passenger—carrying vehicles for the use of the su rintendent and employees in connection with general park worl: not exceeding $3,200 for maintenance of that part of the Wawona Road in the Sierra National Forest between the park boundary two miles north of Wawona and the park boundary near the Mariposa Grove of Big Trees, and not exceeding $2,000 for maintenance of the road in the Stanislaus National Forest connecting the Tioga Road with Mather Station on the Hetch Hetchy Railroad, $249,214; for construction of physical improvements, $3,500, for the installation of sewer lines, water lines, fire-protection service, and walks in new zi Um- village; in all, $252,714. °°’ Zion National Park, Utah: For administration, protection, main- , tenance, and improvement, including not exceeding $1,500 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and re air of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and Ymon 1 M_ employees in connection with general park work, $20,000. mgm. ° '”° National monuments: For administration, protection, maintenance, preservation, and improvement of the national monuments, including not exceeding $400 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, an repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the custodians and employees in connection with general monument work, and including $500 for the construction of buildings, $46,980, of which amoimt $25,000 shall be immediately available for the administration, protection, maintenance, and construc-