SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 467. 1925. 1].95 Pass Manchac, Louisiana. Bayou Des Ourse, Louisiana. West Bork of Bayou Chene, Louisiana, known as Bayou Crook Chene, with a view to opening this waterway to navigation by the removal of drift and snags. _ Mississippi River, Louisiana, between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Sabine~Neches Waterway and Port Arthur Canal, from Orange T°’“‘ and Beaumont, Texas, to the Gulf. Brazos Island Harbor, Texas. Channel from Galveston Harbor to Texas City, Texas. Colorado River, Texas. Galveston Channel, Texas. Guadalupe River, Texas. Red River, Arkansas and Louisiana, from Fulton to the mouth. ’m°°S°°’ Spring River, Arkansas. Arkansas River, Arkansas, beginning at the Broadway Brid in the city of Little Rock and extending two and one—half miles giiwn the said river to determine if the cavinglof the right bank of the river at that point may be prevented, eit er by dikes or revetment. Boggy River, Oklahoma. °*fmf°"‘“· Rock Island and Moline Harbors, Illinois. m‘”°“· White River, and West Fork of White River, Indiana, up to Indianipolis. ‘ Big uddy River, Illinois. _ Headwaters of the Mississippi River above Pimidji, Minnesota. M“‘”°S°“‘ Mississippi River from Minneapolis to Lake Pe(pin, with a view to improvement by the construction of locks and ams. Saint Croix River from Stillwater, Minnesota, to its mouth. Lake City Harbor, Minnesota. Cass Lake and Leech Lake, Minnesota. _ Allegheny River, Pennsylvania and New York, with a view to en- N§’,$“{}§¥{§°“‘° ““" larging the present adopted project for the improvement of said river. KYoughiogheny River, Pennsylvania, up to Fifteenth Street, Mc- P°"“”"“'“"* ees ort. Ohlio River in the vicinity of Evansville, Indiana. _ °m° Rm" Ohio River, with a view to the construction of an ice pier on the south side of said river in the vicinity of Covington an Newport, Keéituckér. ‘ ear reek Kentuc . Duluth-Suplerior Hiiibor, Miimesota and Wisconsin, with a view H£§’,,‘§$“ ,,},§,‘fp°§’,{‘,§ of deepening the channels at and near the entrance of Tower Bay W‘°· at its junction with I-Ioward’s Bay. W, _ Algoma Harbor, Wisconsin. `°°°""" Two Rivers Harbor, Wisconsin. Fox River and connecting waters from Green Bay, Wisconsin, to Portage; the Portage Canal; and the Wisconsin River; with a view to providing a waterway nine feet deep from Green Bay to the Mississippi River. Stockbrid Harbor, Wisconsin. Highcliif Harbor, Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin. Green Bay Harbor, Wisconsin, with a view to widening and straightening the outer channel. _ Oconto Harbor, Wisconsin, with a view to providing a depth of eighteen feet. Strawberrv Passage, Green Ba , Wisconsin. _ Chicago River and its branclies, to determine whether fixed C**‘°°°’ B“'°'·m· bridges should be rmitted and, if permitted, what clearances for llavigation should E5 observed in their construction.